Santa Fe Complex Grand Opening June 14

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Santa Fe Complex Grand Opening June 14

Don Begley
Santa Fe Complex will host its grand opening on Saturday, June 14 with  
a mixed media show entitled Emergence: The Interaction of Science &  
Art from 4p.m. to 8 p.m. at 632 Agua Fria St. Part program, part  
science fair, Santa Fe?s artistic and scientific traditions will find  
common ground in this special event to celebrate the newest addition  
to Santa Fe?s rich cultural and intellectual climate.

Artists Orlando Leibovitz, Paul Paryski, Jared Tarbell and Woody  
Vasulka will display their work in an open house from 4 p.m. pm until  
6:30 p.m.; there will also be a display of the work of German artist  
Tim Borgmann. At 6:30, Mayor David Coss will open the evening program,  
followed by a brief discussion on complexity and the Santa Fe Complex  
led by Guerin and Steve Smith, retired LANL visualization scientist.  
David Stout and Cory Metcalf of NoiseFold will end the evening with a  
performance of their latest work.

Lebovitz describes the event as an opportunity to explore common  
visions. ?We usually think of art and science as polar opposites,?  
Leibovitz said. ?But many artists and scientists seek to explain the  
apparent complexity of our world by striving for simplicity and  
beauty. Emergence recognizes our shared values and creates a common  
bond between our work.? The Santa Fe based artist will showcase his  
musical paintings that explore the relationship between sound and  
light, music and color.

He will be joined by video art pioneer Woody Vasulka, who began  
exploring the digital medium in the 1960?s and continues to break new  
ground in the computational art medium; Jared Tarbell, a self-
described ?solar powered bipedal brain tower? and a leader in the  
computationl art movement; Tim Borgmann, whose three-dimensional work  
won an honorable mention 2007 International Art of Digital Show in San  
Diego; and Paul Paryski, whose photographic explorations of complex  
natural structures will complement their work. Tarbell and Vasulka  
will return to Santa Fe Complex later this summer for individual shows  
and discussions about mathematics and computer art.

For more information, visit the Santa Fe Complex web site. I'll  
forward additional information over the next few days.

Don Begley
Managing Director
Santa Fe Complex
624 Agua Fria
Santa Fe, NM 87501
505.670.9432 (cell)

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