SIGGRAPH has a call for complexity and visual analtyics this year: you have a "full demographic interface" or a particularly smart way of
dealing with massive amounts of data? For SIGGRAPH 2008, we seek work that
addresses three complementary issues: complexity of data, accessibility of
information, and interaction.
Topics might include:
* Handling large datasets, from one source or millions of physical or
virtual interfaces
* Visualizing complexity, visual analytics
* Visualization-based decision and control
* Anytime or anywhere: from mobile devices to multiple displays
Our goal for this theme is to highlight the increasingly important question of
how to manage the increasingly large quantities of data in our electronic world.
We welcome proposals for any presentations on this theme, but particularly
appropriate are presentations from researchers, artists, or practitioners who
are engaged in technical or social advancements in this area.
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Stephen.Guerin at
624 Agua Fria Street, Santa Fe, NM 87501
mobile: (505)577-5828
office: Santa Fe, NM (505)995-0206 / London, UK +44 (0) 20 7993 4769