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SF Complex closing this Friday. Final event celebration and Thank You to the Santa Fe community

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SF Complex closing this Friday. Final event celebration and Thank You to the Santa Fe community

Stephen Guerin-3
28 posts
Santa Fe Complex Community,

This Friday will be the final event at Santa Fe Complex. We plan to go out with a strong Thank You celebration to the Santa Fe community for its support over our last 4 years! 

Please come out this Fri June 1 from 6p-10p for two great two simultaneous shows: 
After the City pulled funding in March, SF_X received a critical surge of volunteer effort to make our final events happen. Thank you especially to Steve Smith, Alanna Herrera, Stephen Bohannon and Jason Goodyear for these efforts!

Again, please come out this Friday and help us celebrate SF_X community members pushing the envelope in exciting creative directions over our organization's lifetime. 

In appreciation,

Stephen Guerin

[hidden email]
mobile: <a href="tel:505.577.5828" value="+15055775828" target="_blank">505.577.5828
Board Chairperson, Santa Fe Complex
1807 Second Street, Suite 107
Santa Fe, NM 87505

for events and workshops, check out http://www.sfcomplex.org
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FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org
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Re: SF Complex closing this Friday. Final event celebration and Thank You to the Santa Fe community

Nick Thompson
2732 posts



I am sorry I cannot be there. I am in the bog.  Santa Fe should be grateful for what you-all have accomplished in this time.  I look forward to your next re-incarnation, whatever it might be. 


Hugs all around,




From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Stephen Guerin
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 3:37 AM
To: General topics & issues; Friam Friam
Subject: [FRIAM] SF Complex closing this Friday. Final event celebration and Thank You to the Santa Fe community


Santa Fe Complex Community,


This Friday will be the final event at Santa Fe Complex. We plan to go out with a strong Thank You celebration to the Santa Fe community for its support over our last 4 years! 


Please come out this Fri June 1 from 6p-10p for two great two simultaneous shows: 


After the City pulled funding in March, SF_X received a critical surge of volunteer effort to make our final events happen. Thank you especially to Steve Smith, Alanna Herrera, Stephen Bohannon and Jason Goodyear for these efforts!


Again, please come out this Friday and help us celebrate SF_X community members pushing the envelope in exciting creative directions over our organization's lifetime. 


In appreciation,


Stephen Guerin


[hidden email]

mobile: <a href="tel:505.577.5828" target="_blank">505.577.5828

Board Chairperson, Santa Fe Complex

1807 Second Street, Suite 107

Santa Fe, NM 87505


for events and workshops, check out http://www.sfcomplex.org

sign up for newsletters and join the discussion list



FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org
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Re: [sfx: Discuss] SF Complex closing this Friday. Final event celebration and Thank You to the Santa Fe community

Owen Densmore
2679 posts
In reply to this post by Stephen Guerin-3
We made the front page!  Innovation Interrupted .. the front page of the Santa Fe New Mexican.

   -- Owen

On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 1:36 AM, Stephen Guerin <[hidden email]> wrote:
Santa Fe Complex Community,

This Friday will be the final event at Santa Fe Complex. We plan to go out with a strong Thank You celebration to the Santa Fe community for its support over our last 4 years! 

Please come out this Fri June 1 from 6p-10p for two great two simultaneous shows: 
After the City pulled funding in March, SF_X received a critical surge of volunteer effort to make our final events happen. Thank you especially to Steve Smith, Alanna Herrera, Stephen Bohannon and Jason Goodyear for these efforts!

Again, please come out this Friday and help us celebrate SF_X community members pushing the envelope in exciting creative directions over our organization's lifetime. 

In appreciation,

Stephen Guerin

[hidden email]
mobile: <a href="tel:505.577.5828" value="+15055775828" target="_blank">505.577.5828
Board Chairperson, Santa Fe Complex
1807 Second Street, Suite 107
Santa Fe, NM 87505

for events and workshops, check out http://www.sfcomplex.org
sign up for newsletters and join the discussion list

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FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org