Robert's soccer time travel

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Robert's soccer time travel

Michael Agar
A while back Robert wrote about the relativity of "live" broadcasts  
of soccer games in warped media space. Few days back I happened to  
work out in a health club during the last half of the US/Italy match.  
The TV was tuned to Univision, the Spanish-language channel. Game  
ended in a 1-1 tie. As I left the club, the TV in the lobby was tuned  
to the beginning of the second half of the US/Italy match. The  
announcer was speaking American English, and standing out on top of  
the screen were the words  "LIVE." I asked the guys watching if they  
wanted to know how the game ended, since it was already over. When I  
explained how I knew, they first made it clear that saying the final  
score would result in a serious perturbation in my personal path  
dependence. Then one guy looked back at the screen and, with a facial  
expression reminiscent of Munch's The Scream, said, "But it says it's  

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