Rift in space/time continuum

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Rift in space/time continuum

Robert Holmes-2
So at 8 o'clock (mountain time) this morning I settle down to watch England
v Paraguay, live on ABC. I know it's live because I'm continually assailed
by TV adds saying "All matches! Live! Only on EPSN2 and ABC!" and when I'm
watching the match a sizeable chunk of the screen is taken up by a logo
saying "LIVE". I manage to get as far as the half-time commentary before the
sheer inanity of the US coverage makes me reach for the internet - for all
its faults the BBC has excellent sports commentators and so I can watch the
game on TV and listen to it on Radio 5. And that's when I discover it:
obviously some space-time rift has opened up over the Atlantic because the
match I'm watching live actually - according to the BBC - finished half an
hour ago. And yes we won (in rather scrappy style) but what the heck's the
point of watching the last half now.

Ah well. Any of you taking transatlantic flights over the next couple of
days, watch out for the rift.

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Rift in space/time continuum

Robert J. Cordingley
So is the popularity of Association Football in America (or rather lack
of it) due to the lack of good commentators or some universal punishment
for abusing the term "LIVE" broadcast (it was probably recorded live)?
Robert C

Robert Holmes wrote:

> So at 8 o'clock (mountain time) this morning I settle down to watch
> England v Paraguay, live on ABC. I know it's live because I'm
> continually assailed by TV adds saying "All matches! Live! Only on
> EPSN2 and ABC!" and when I'm watching the match a sizeable chunk of
> the screen is taken up by a logo saying "LIVE". I manage to get as far
> as the half-time commentary before the sheer inanity of the US
> coverage makes me reach for the internet - for all its faults the BBC
> has excellent sports commentators and so I can watch the game on TV
> and listen to it on Radio 5. And that's when I discover it: obviously
> some space-time rift has opened up over the Atlantic because the match
> I'm watching live actually - according to the BBC - finished half an
> hour ago. And yes we won (in rather scrappy style) but what the heck's
> the point of watching the last half now.
> Ah well. Any of you taking transatlantic flights over the next couple
> of days, watch out for the rift.
> Robert
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