Rich Murray, 9 am Saturday, Abq. Bar Camp 3: future causality aspects of exponential social evolution: joint exploration of subtle features in Hubble Ultra Deep Field 2008.09.12

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Rich Murray, 9 am Saturday, Abq. Bar Camp 3: future causality aspects of exponential social evolution: joint exploration of subtle features in Hubble Ultra Deep Field 2008.09.12

Rich Murray
Rich Murray, 9 am Saturday, Abq. Bar Camp 3: future causality aspects of exponential social evolution: joint exploration of subtle features in Hubble Ultra Deep Field 2008.09.12

Knowing that hot air rises, I'll do my best to float an uplifting colorful balloon -- age 66, having retired after 19 years as home hospice care giver in Santa Fe, I've been delighted to join the Friday Morning Group and Santa Fe Complex since March, expanding my lifelong interests, as an universal layman, in the subtle unity of the present moment and all sciences.

For 6 years, I've been downloading and exploring the deepest available cosmic images, the best of all for 5 years being the 151 MB Hubble Ultra Deep Field, a square a tenth of the width of the Moon, 3.1 arc-minutes wide = 6200 pixels of 0.03 arc-seconds each, which I adjust by raising the gamma and increasing the color saturation to reveal intricate, enticing subtle features.

Gradually, and especially in recent weeks, I've found the recipe and hopefully valid overall paradigm to make some sense of the features.  Twice this week I've used the large projector at Santa Fe Complex to play with 10' wide views for hours at night, which are spectacular.

So I hope there'll be a projector and screen available, so we can have an open-ended group exploration, gazing down a well of time from a few local stars at about 1000 Ly to known galaxies at redshift 6 and beyond to features as early as 300 My after the Big Bang, when the first huge hypernovae ionized the hydrogen gas clouds, making our observable universe conveniently transparent to UV, visible, and IR light ever since.

You can view and freely download 75 of these 5 to 20 MB images and scientific abstracts by going to rmforall at .....

ubiquitous bright blue 1-12 pixel sources on darker 3D fractal web in five 2007.09.06 IR and visible light HUDF images, Nor Pirzkal, Sangeeta Malhotra, James E Rhoads, Chun Xu, -- might be clusters of earliest hypernovae in recent cosmological simulations: Rich Murray 2008.08.17
Sunday, August 17, 2008

The 5 closeups are about 2.2x2.2 arc-seconds wide and high, about 70x70 pixels.
The HUDF is 315x315 arc-seconds, with N at top and E at left.
Each side has 6200X6200 pixels at 0.03 arc-second per pixel.

Click on All Sizes and select Original to view the highest resolution image of
3022x2496 pixels, which can be also be conveniently seen directly at their
Zoomable image:

Notable in the deep background of the five closeups are ubiquitous bright blue
sources, presumably extremely hot ultraviolet before redshifting, 1 to a dozen or so
pixels, as single or short lines of spots, and a few irregular tiny blobs,
probably, as predicted in many recent simulations, the earliest massive,
short-lived hypernovae, GRBs with jets at various angles to our line of sight,
expanding bubbles, earliest molecular and dust clouds with light echoes and
bursts of star formation, and first small dwarf galaxies, always associated with
a subtle darker 3D random fractal mesh of filaments of H and He atomic gases.

As a scientific layman, I am grateful for specific cogent, civil feedback, based
on the details readily visible in images in the public domain. .....

notable bright blue tiny sources on darker 3D fractal web in HUDF VLT ESO
28 images from 506 galaxies, z about 6 , RJ Bouwens, GD Illingworth,
JP Blakeslee, M Franx 2008.02.04 draft 36 page: Rich Murray 2008.08.17
Sunday, August 17, 2008

bright blue 1-4 pixel sources on darker 3D fractal web in IR and visible light
HUDF images -- might be the clusters of earliest hypernovae in the
Naoki Yoshida and Lars Hernquist simulation: Rich Murray 2008.07.31
Thursday, July 31, 2008

Rich Murray, MA Room For All [hidden email]
505-501-2298 1943 Otowi Road Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505


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