Resume halp and back up halp.

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Resume halp and back up halp.

Gillian Densmore
(yep still here! yeah!)

Might someone be willing (and able) to either help or point to someone to help with a few things?
I need help fixing up my resume, cover letter, and linkedin profile.

It'd also be great to get opinions on 'web based resumes' and plugins for WordPress. The thinking their to be able to point people to something so as they can see what kind of stuff I do. (WebyWeb, Art, etc)   

As a follow up I'd really like to back up art, and anouncements because it'd suck to loose them. I simply don't know if that's something can do now (was fickle and wonky when I last tried) or if their's a better place. Might be able to use one place for two reasons is the thinking. 

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