Reminder: WedTech March 15: Michael Gizzi, Plea Barganing and ABM

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Reminder: WedTech March 15: Michael Gizzi, Plea Barganing and ABM

Michael Gizzi
I just thought I would share a link to a page with copies of the
research that I will be talking about on Wednesday afternoon.   I will
discuss a model my colleagues and I created on the potential impact of
eliminating plea bargaining from trial courts and the current work we
are doing on creating a "case simulator" that explores the actual
process of plea bargaining or what I prefer to call "negotiated
justice."   And if time permits, I'll show some of the neat things we
have discovered with our adaptations to Owen's version of the
Sugarscape. provides links to papers
and some of the models. I'll have a few copies of the current paper
with me as well.

Looking forward to meeting many of you this week.

Michael Gizzi

On 3/12/06, Stephen Guerin <stephen.guerin at> wrote:

> *** Reminder ***
> Note that this talk will be at 2p.
> Michael C Gizzi, Ph.D.
> Associate Professor of Political Science
> Institute for Modeling Complexity
> Mesa State College
> TITLE: Reconsidering Debates over Plea Bargaining with Agent-Based Modeling
> LOCATION: 624 Agua Fria Conference Room
> TIME: Wed March 15, 2p ***
> Lunch will be available for purchase
> In this presentation I will discuss how my colleagues and I are using
> agent-based modeling as a way to evaluate research on plea bargaining in
> trial courts. Using NetLogo, we created two different models of plea
> bargaining. The first examines the impact of eliminating plea bargaining on
> prison populations and court delay. The second model explores the
> decision-making processes which shape plea bargaining. By modeling defense
> counsel, prosecutors, judges, and defendants, we are able to examine
> different theories explaining how and why plea bargaining occurs.
> ============================================================
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