Reminder: Unstructured data & Friday Frito Pies

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Reminder: Unstructured data & Friday Frito Pies

Don Begley
Tonight's Frito pie session has an added twist: Chris Feola, named one  
of the 50 most influential people in new media by Online Journalism  
Review, will join us for a casual evening discussion of his work with  
unstructured data in journalism and other inquiries. He will describe  
the ins-and-outs of information overload in the computer culture and,  
in particular, \ imposing order of data to extract meaningful  
information from it.

The Frito pies are well-structured and warm. Come by at 5:00

670-9432 (cell)

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Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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