Thursday, June 9, 2011 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Ruth Chabay and BruceĀ Sherwood
Professors of Physics Emeriti, North Carolina State University
VPython is a programming environment that enables even novices to
write programs that produce navigable real-time 3D animations as a
side-effect of computations. VPython is based on the Python
programming language (http://python.org) which has a large user
community. Like Python, VPython is open source freeware available for
Windows, Linux, and Macintosh (http://vpython.org).
Workshop participants will learn to write 3D programs and can sample
existing applications.
If possible, install VPython on your own laptop and bring it to the workshop.
There are three main communities of users of VPython:
* In the Matter & Interactions physics curriculum
(matterandinteractions.org), students use VPython to model physical
* Faculty use VPython to create 3D lecture-demo programs.
* Researchers use VPython as an easy programming interface to
visualizing systems and data in 3D.
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