Reader2: social BOOKmarking

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Reader2: social BOOKmarking

Charles Gieseler
Hi Everybody,

I ran across something this week that might interest those who are fans
of <> and avid readers. It's called
Reader^2 ( <>). It's a social book list
service that does for books what does for bookmarks. From
the site:

This site allows you to
    * Keep list of books you read and/or recommend
    * Find new books to read in the categories of your interest
    * Export your latest read books or recommended books to your site or
    * Track after your friends reading lists (via RSS)

I believe it is linked with Amazon's database which allows you to easily
query information for books and add them to your list. When you add
books you mark them in one of 8 different categories. You can also
indicate whether you recommend, dislike, are reading, or want to read a
particular books. Like bookmarks in, you can add custom tags
to books on your list to aid in search and categorization. There are
also various ways to search for books among all users. This looks like a
useful tool to share and find books.

They also have a sister site called MyProgs (
<>) which allows people to maintain social lists of
the software they use. I haven't looked at it much yet, but it may be
another place to find good open source software.

    Charlie Gieseler
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