Re: [WedTech] Open Source Intelligence

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Re: [WedTech] Open Source Intelligence

Steve Smith
On 6/28/14 12:03 PM, Stephen Guerin wrote:
I'm surprised his work hasn't been discussed here before (or more likely I just missed it):

We are a smart people today, but a dumb nation. Our national security and our national attractiveness as a site for international investment which permits our citizens to prosper are both at risk. We have no alternative but to completely redefine the role of government to emphasize its responsibility for the nurturing of our national information commons, and to redefine national intelligence so as to create a Virtual Intelligence Community in which every citizen is a collector, producer, and consumer of intelligence.  To do this, we must have a National Information Strategy.
Robert Steele - Creating a Smart Nation, 1996 Government Information Quarterly

The above was my first introduction to his work.

Robert David Steele is founder of The Earth Intelligence Network.  His Public Intelligence Blog comes off a little too "conspiracy-theoretic for me but I can mostly read past that.

I'm guessing that at least a handful here have direct knowledge of and interest related to his ideas.  His ideas are radical by some measure but in my opinion, not without motivation and reason. 

In particular, I am interested in the possibilities of harnessing open-source information for the masses in a whole new way which fundamentally is the original job/role of Journalism and Social Commentary.  My professional interests are roughly in the field of Collective Intelligence but my personal interest is in living in a global humanity consisting operating with pervasive, highly enlightened, self-interest.

- Steve

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