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Re: [WedTech] Continuous execution while editing a program

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Re: [WedTech] Continuous execution while editing a program

Tom Johnson
1129 posts
And speaking of "execution"....

Scholarly Publishing: Computers & Graphics Journal Includes First Executable Papers Published Online on Science Direct

-tom johnson (in Kars, Turkey)

On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 10:36 PM, Bruce Sherwood <[hidden email]> wrote:
A Georgia Tech student found an implementation of Bret Victor's ideas about integrating execution with program editing, and he used it with the GlowScript library. Here is his program (slightly simplified by me):


If you select a number in the source code, a slider appears that lets you adjust that value, and each change is reflected immediately in the 3D display. Or do ordinary editing and you see display updates as you edit.


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J. T. Johnson
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Re: [WedTech] Continuous execution while editing a program

Owen Densmore
2679 posts
Tom, that's a great finding.

You may be interested in the Literate Programming originated by Knuth as I recall, but recently made quite popular by Jeremy Ashkenas.  Here's an example .. his Journo simple blog engine he made for an around the world trip he's just finishing.

This is the code, which reads more like text, and believe it or not is what is given to the compiler to convert to Javascript.
and here is his discussion on Knuth's Literate Programming

I really look forward to more papers that can actually show you the results of the research.

   -- Owen

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