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Re: [Vo]:Proposition to the Membership of Vortex List in Regards to Andrea Rossi

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Re: [Vo]:Proposition to the Membership of Vortex List in Regards to Andrea Rossi

Rich Murray-2
5) poisons? deuterium, nitrogen, copper isotopes, oxygen, H2O,
hydrocarbons, silicon, CO2 ?  What makes them poisons?  What
concentrations are harmful?

6) size and mass of Ni nanoparticles?  Surface vs volume
characteristics?  Smooth, cracked, fractal structure, disrupted
structure, softened or melted surfaces and volumes?

7) do one or more Ni fusions occur on a Ni nanoparticle, does Ni
fusion disrupt the Ni nanoparticle and impede any more fusions, or can
a Ni nanoparticle sustain repeated fusions, and how many per Ni
nanoparticle per time?

8) how rapidly do Cu isotopes build up in the Ni nanoparticles, and is
Cu spread about as nanodust, atoms at high velocities, vapor, melt,

9) is NiH present and at what structural and time scales?

10) can high pressure alone without applied heat cause HNi fusion?

11) does Ni atomic fission happen, and what are the energies and products?

12) does HNi fusion involve deuterium?

13) can HNi experiments be done on a microscale or nanoscale, for
instance as a thin film within a diamond anvil ultra pressure cell at
up to a billion bars (atmospheres)?
Or in a small Ni tube containing H, subjected to a high energy, short
duration electric pulse, while being imploded by a chemical explosive
around it?

14) what are the details about observed explosions, and what are
estimates of the necessary preliminary precautions, including
extrapolation to much higher energy yields?

15) how might slow or extremely rapid implosion affect HNi fusion for
various sizes of the Ni particles, via sonocavitation, or laser or
electron beam implosion, or explosive chemical shells, at various
levels of structure and size, for spherical, cylindrical, or pancake

16) what role might layers and structures of neutron reflectors and
neutron producers play in affecting HNi fusion at various levels of

17) what effects may result from nuclear alignment via coherent EM
radiation, or electric or magnetic fields, for instance, in the
self-pinching of an electric spark?

18) what effects may result from creating higher nuclear spins in the H and Ni?

19) have you made it impossible for any agency to suppress or seize
this science-technology?

20) what role might there be for nanostructures of various composition
similar to carbon nanotubes, spheres, and sheets?

21) do biological systems use HNi fusion?

22) does HNi fusion occur in lightning, meteor impacts, volcanoes,
deep in the crust, in parts of the solar system,
in cosmic explosions and jets?

23) can external beams of electrons, positrons, neutrons, protons, He,
Li, B, C, gamma influence HNi fusion, perhaps as colliding beams in an
accelerator, linear or circular, driven by EM or laser pulses?

24) is cyrogenic HNi fusion possible? Bose condensates?

25) are processes happening at the quark-gluon level?

26) can the internal radiations be applied to producing many other
nuclear reactions and isotopes, stable and unstable?

27) Can HNi fusion be set up in terms of coherent stimulated emission,
as a gamma or neutron beam laser?

28) This is an awesome genie, soaring and expanding hugely,
exponentially from its little jar, bearing supreme powers,
opportunities, and challenges for our world...

On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 8:15 PM, noone noone <[hidden email]> wrote:

>  Hello Everyone,
> We have been on here talking about Andrea Rossi's cold fusion technology for
> about a week or so now. It seems to me we still have a lot of questions. I
> have a proposition.
> Why don't we as a group organize a list of questions and have a
> representative pass it along to Rossi and/or post it to his blog? Instead of
> asking lots of different questions individually on his blog we could discuss
> the issues that need to be addressed and figure out which ones are most
> important. I suggest the following guidelines.
> 1) No questions about the catalysts or processes utilized on the nickel
> powder. He has already stated about ten times he will not provide this
> information.
> 2) We keep the list under 20 questions.
> 3) We try to keep the questions from being too similar to each other.
> Are any of you interested in trying to put together such a list of
> questions?
> The areas that I think are most important are....
> 1) The radiation measured inside of the cell or without shielding. I have
> heard almost NOTHING about this.
> 2) The transmutation of isotopes and elements.
> 3) To get the question clarified as to whether anything other than pressure
> or heat is involved in generating the effect. (Are any RF or sonic waves
> used.)
> 4) To get him to clarify the issue of hydrogen injection. Does he add more
> hydrogen into the cell or is he just varying the pressure to make more
> hydrogen react with nickel.

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org
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Re: [Vo]:Proposition to the Membership of Vortex List in Regards to Andrea Rossi

Nick Thompson
Thanks, Rich.  Nick

-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf
Of Rich Murray
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2011 10:24 PM
To: [hidden email]; michael barron; [hidden email];
[hidden email]; [hidden email]
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] [Vo]:Proposition to the Membership of Vortex List in
Regards to Andrea Rossi

5) poisons? deuterium, nitrogen, copper isotopes, oxygen, H2O, hydrocarbons,
silicon, CO2 ?  What makes them poisons?  What concentrations are harmful?

6) size and mass of Ni nanoparticles?  Surface vs volume characteristics?
Smooth, cracked, fractal structure, disrupted structure, softened or melted
surfaces and volumes?

7) do one or more Ni fusions occur on a Ni nanoparticle, does Ni fusion
disrupt the Ni nanoparticle and impede any more fusions, or can a Ni
nanoparticle sustain repeated fusions, and how many per Ni nanoparticle per

8) how rapidly do Cu isotopes build up in the Ni nanoparticles, and is Cu
spread about as nanodust, atoms at high velocities, vapor, melt, etc?

9) is NiH present and at what structural and time scales?

10) can high pressure alone without applied heat cause HNi fusion?

11) does Ni atomic fission happen, and what are the energies and products?

12) does HNi fusion involve deuterium?

13) can HNi experiments be done on a microscale or nanoscale, for instance
as a thin film within a diamond anvil ultra pressure cell at up to a billion
bars (atmospheres)?
Or in a small Ni tube containing H, subjected to a high energy, short
duration electric pulse, while being imploded by a chemical explosive around

14) what are the details about observed explosions, and what are estimates
of the necessary preliminary precautions, including extrapolation to much
higher energy yields?

15) how might slow or extremely rapid implosion affect HNi fusion for
various sizes of the Ni particles, via sonocavitation, or laser or electron
beam implosion, or explosive chemical shells, at various levels of structure
and size, for spherical, cylindrical, or pancake geometries?

16) what role might layers and structures of neutron reflectors and neutron
producers play in affecting HNi fusion at various levels of structure?

17) what effects may result from nuclear alignment via coherent EM
radiation, or electric or magnetic fields, for instance, in the
self-pinching of an electric spark?

18) what effects may result from creating higher nuclear spins in the H and

19) have you made it impossible for any agency to suppress or seize this

20) what role might there be for nanostructures of various composition
similar to carbon nanotubes, spheres, and sheets?

21) do biological systems use HNi fusion?

22) does HNi fusion occur in lightning, meteor impacts, volcanoes, deep in
the crust, in parts of the solar system, in cosmic explosions and jets?

23) can external beams of electrons, positrons, neutrons, protons, He, Li,
B, C, gamma influence HNi fusion, perhaps as colliding beams in an
accelerator, linear or circular, driven by EM or laser pulses?

24) is cyrogenic HNi fusion possible? Bose condensates?

25) are processes happening at the quark-gluon level?

26) can the internal radiations be applied to producing many other nuclear
reactions and isotopes, stable and unstable?

27) Can HNi fusion be set up in terms of coherent stimulated emission, as a
gamma or neutron beam laser?

28) This is an awesome genie, soaring and expanding hugely, exponentially
from its little jar, bearing supreme powers, opportunities, and challenges
for our world...

On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 8:15 PM, noone noone <[hidden email]>

>  Hello Everyone,
> We have been on here talking about Andrea Rossi's cold fusion
> technology for about a week or so now. It seems to me we still have a
> lot of questions. I have a proposition.
> Why don't we as a group organize a list of questions and have a
> representative pass it along to Rossi and/or post it to his blog?
> Instead of asking lots of different questions individually on his blog
> we could discuss the issues that need to be addressed and figure out
> which ones are most important. I suggest the following guidelines.
> 1) No questions about the catalysts or processes utilized on the
> nickel powder. He has already stated about ten times he will not
> provide this information.
> 2) We keep the list under 20 questions.
> 3) We try to keep the questions from being too similar to each other.
> Are any of you interested in trying to put together such a list of
> questions?
> The areas that I think are most important are....
> 1) The radiation measured inside of the cell or without shielding. I
> have heard almost NOTHING about this.
> 2) The transmutation of isotopes and elements.
> 3) To get the question clarified as to whether anything other than
> pressure or heat is involved in generating the effect. (Are any RF or
> sonic waves
> used.)
> 4) To get him to clarify the issue of hydrogen injection. Does he add
> more hydrogen into the cell or is he just varying the pressure to make
> more hydrogen react with nickel.

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College lectures, archives,
unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org
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Re: [Vo]:Proposition to the Membership of Vortex List in Regards to Andrea Rossi

Sarbajit Roy (testing)
1) All this is fine, but does the device actually work ? The videos and on-line
interview replies  seem even less convincing than the magic tricks exposed
on "Magic's Biggest Secrets Revealed".

2) Such repeated usage of FRIAM to publicise this experiment, may affect the
credibility of the group.

On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 9:57 PM, Nicholas  Thompson
<[hidden email]> wrote:

> Thanks, Rich.  Nick
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf
> Of Rich Murray
> Sent: Monday, January 24, 2011 10:24 PM
> To: [hidden email]; michael barron; [hidden email];
> [hidden email]; [hidden email]
> Subject: Re: [FRIAM] [Vo]:Proposition to the Membership of Vortex List in
> Regards to Andrea Rossi
> 5) poisons? deuterium, nitrogen, copper isotopes, oxygen, H2O, hydrocarbons,
> silicon, CO2 ?  What makes them poisons?  What concentrations are harmful?
> 6) size and mass of Ni nanoparticles?  Surface vs volume characteristics?
> Smooth, cracked, fractal structure, disrupted structure, softened or melted
> surfaces and volumes?
> 7) do one or more Ni fusions occur on a Ni nanoparticle, does Ni fusion
> disrupt the Ni nanoparticle and impede any more fusions, or can a Ni
> nanoparticle sustain repeated fusions, and how many per Ni nanoparticle per
> time?
> 8) how rapidly do Cu isotopes build up in the Ni nanoparticles, and is Cu
> spread about as nanodust, atoms at high velocities, vapor, melt, etc?
> 9) is NiH present and at what structural and time scales?
> 10) can high pressure alone without applied heat cause HNi fusion?
> 11) does Ni atomic fission happen, and what are the energies and products?
> 12) does HNi fusion involve deuterium?
> 13) can HNi experiments be done on a microscale or nanoscale, for instance
> as a thin film within a diamond anvil ultra pressure cell at up to a billion
> bars (atmospheres)?
> Or in a small Ni tube containing H, subjected to a high energy, short
> duration electric pulse, while being imploded by a chemical explosive around
> it?
> 14) what are the details about observed explosions, and what are estimates
> of the necessary preliminary precautions, including extrapolation to much
> higher energy yields?
> 15) how might slow or extremely rapid implosion affect HNi fusion for
> various sizes of the Ni particles, via sonocavitation, or laser or electron
> beam implosion, or explosive chemical shells, at various levels of structure
> and size, for spherical, cylindrical, or pancake geometries?
> 16) what role might layers and structures of neutron reflectors and neutron
> producers play in affecting HNi fusion at various levels of structure?
> 17) what effects may result from nuclear alignment via coherent EM
> radiation, or electric or magnetic fields, for instance, in the
> self-pinching of an electric spark?
> 18) what effects may result from creating higher nuclear spins in the H and
> Ni?
> 19) have you made it impossible for any agency to suppress or seize this
> science-technology?
> 20) what role might there be for nanostructures of various composition
> similar to carbon nanotubes, spheres, and sheets?
> 21) do biological systems use HNi fusion?
> 22) does HNi fusion occur in lightning, meteor impacts, volcanoes, deep in
> the crust, in parts of the solar system, in cosmic explosions and jets?
> 23) can external beams of electrons, positrons, neutrons, protons, He, Li,
> B, C, gamma influence HNi fusion, perhaps as colliding beams in an
> accelerator, linear or circular, driven by EM or laser pulses?
> 24) is cyrogenic HNi fusion possible? Bose condensates?
> 25) are processes happening at the quark-gluon level?
> 26) can the internal radiations be applied to producing many other nuclear
> reactions and isotopes, stable and unstable?
> 27) Can HNi fusion be set up in terms of coherent stimulated emission, as a
> gamma or neutron beam laser?
> 28) This is an awesome genie, soaring and expanding hugely, exponentially
> from its little jar, bearing supreme powers, opportunities, and challenges
> for our world...
> On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 8:15 PM, noone noone <[hidden email]>
> wrote:
>>  Hello Everyone,
>> We have been on here talking about Andrea Rossi's cold fusion
>> technology for about a week or so now. It seems to me we still have a
>> lot of questions. I have a proposition.
>> Why don't we as a group organize a list of questions and have a
>> representative pass it along to Rossi and/or post it to his blog?
>> Instead of asking lots of different questions individually on his blog
>> we could discuss the issues that need to be addressed and figure out
>> which ones are most important. I suggest the following guidelines.
>> 1) No questions about the catalysts or processes utilized on the
>> nickel powder. He has already stated about ten times he will not
>> provide this information.
>> 2) We keep the list under 20 questions.
>> 3) We try to keep the questions from being too similar to each other.
>> Are any of you interested in trying to put together such a list of
>> questions?
>> The areas that I think are most important are....
>> 1) The radiation measured inside of the cell or without shielding. I
>> have heard almost NOTHING about this.
>> 2) The transmutation of isotopes and elements.
>> 3) To get the question clarified as to whether anything other than
>> pressure or heat is involved in generating the effect. (Are any RF or
>> sonic waves
>> used.)
>> 4) To get him to clarify the issue of hydrogen injection. Does he add
>> more hydrogen into the cell or is he just varying the pressure to make
>> more hydrogen react with nickel.
> ============================================================
> FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
> Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College lectures, archives,
> unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org
> ============================================================
> FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
> Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
> lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org
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Re: [Vo]:Proposition to the Membership of Vortex List in Regards to Andrea Rossi

glen ep ropella
Sarbajit Roy wrote circa 11-01-24 10:06 PM:
> 2) Such repeated usage of FRIAM to publicise this experiment, may affect the
> credibility of the group.

I think Doug's infected me!  I just passed on an urge to suggest the

glen e. p. ropella, 971-222-9095, http://tempusdictum.com

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org
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Re: [Vo]:Proposition to the Membership of Vortex List in Regards to Andrea Rossi

Douglas Roberts-2
Well, I wasn't going to mention it, but...


On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 11:17 AM, glen e. p. ropella <[hidden email]> wrote:
Sarbajit Roy wrote circa 11-01-24 10:06 PM:
> 2) Such repeated usage of FRIAM to publicise this experiment, may affect the
> credibility of the group.

I think Doug's infected me!  I just passed on an urge to suggest the

glen e. p. ropella, 971-222-9095, http://tempusdictum.com

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org
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Re: [Vo]:Proposition to the Membership of Vortex List in Regards to Andrea Rossi

Steve Smith
Credibility?  I didn't know we had any credibility?  That is news to me!

Although I agree that Rich's enthusiasm for this particular project is clearly not shared by all.

Do we have some reasonable guidance for matters such as this which is not intrinsically over-restrictive, yet encourages responsible list usage?

Clearly we all have our own enthusiasms for a bazillion things, and would not want to be squelched at our expression of same.

Maybe Rich should start his own Blog and occasionally offer up links to it with specific framing that helps us understand why what he is excited about is interesting to the larger group specifically?

Rich... do you have an RMFORALL (or similar) blog already?  Would you be interested in some help in setting one up if you don't... they can be as easy to post to as sending e-mail...

- Steve

Well, I wasn't going to mention it, but...


On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 11:17 AM, glen e. p. ropella <[hidden email]> wrote:
Sarbajit Roy wrote circa 11-01-24 10:06 PM:
> 2) Such repeated usage of FRIAM to publicise this experiment, may affect the
> credibility of the group.

I think Doug's infected me!  I just passed on an urge to suggest the

glen e. p. ropella, 971-222-9095, http://tempusdictum.com

============================================================ FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org
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Re: [Vo]:Proposition to the Membership of Vortex List in Regards to Andrea Rossi

Nick Thompson
In reply to this post by Douglas Roberts-2

Oh gosh!  Do we HAVE credibility?  With whom?  What a wonderful thought!




From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Douglas Roberts
Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 12:49 PM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] [Vo]:Proposition to the Membership of Vortex List in Regards to Andrea Rossi


Well, I wasn't going to mention it, but...



On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 11:17 AM, glen e. p. ropella <[hidden email]> wrote:

Sarbajit Roy wrote circa 11-01-24 10:06 PM:

> 2) Such repeated usage of FRIAM to publicise this experiment, may affect the
> credibility of the group.

I think Doug's infected me!  I just passed on an urge to suggest the

glen e. p. ropella, 971-222-9095, http://tempusdictum.com


FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org
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Re: [Vo]:Proposition to the Membership of Vortex List in Regards to Andrea Rossi

Nick Thompson
In reply to this post by Steve Smith



I hear you edging out onto the slippery slope of censorship, here.  Even if the cold fusion thing is completely unfounded, it has more interest as a cultural phenomenon than many of the topics in good standing on Friam.   Don’t go there, Steve.  Don’t listen to him, Rich. 




From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Steve Smith
Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 12:59 PM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] [Vo]:Proposition to the Membership of Vortex List in Regards to Andrea Rossi


Credibility?  I didn't know we had any credibility?  That is news to me!

Although I agree that Rich's enthusiasm for this particular project is clearly not shared by all.

Do we have some reasonable guidance for matters such as this which is not intrinsically over-restrictive, yet encourages responsible list usage?

Clearly we all have our own enthusiasms for a bazillion things, and would not want to be squelched at our expression of same.

Maybe Rich should start his own Blog and occasionally offer up links to it with specific framing that helps us understand why what he is excited about is interesting to the larger group specifically?

Rich... do you have an RMFORALL (or similar) blog already?  Would you be interested in some help in setting one up if you don't... they can be as easy to post to as sending e-mail...

- Steve

Well, I wasn't going to mention it, but...



On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 11:17 AM, glen e. p. ropella <[hidden email]> wrote:

Sarbajit Roy wrote circa 11-01-24 10:06 PM:

> 2) Such repeated usage of FRIAM to publicise this experiment, may affect the
> credibility of the group.

I think Doug's infected me!  I just passed on an urge to suggest the

glen e. p. ropella, 971-222-9095, http://tempusdictum.com


FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org


FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org
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Re: [Vo]:Proposition to the Membership of Vortex List in Regards to Andrea Rossi

glen ep ropella

Well, I'd say what Steve suggested is in a completely different category
from anything like censorship.  Awhile back, Owen mentioned thread
hijacking.  We've sporadically "plugged" our own work.  We sometimes use
the list to review products or services or to complain about some
defector.  We top-post, bottom-post, fail to trim quotations, etc.  I've
even been accused of "killing the karma", an accusation I cherish to
this day. ;-)

So, Steve's query about guidance for this lonely thread is as much
cultural as the contents of the thread.  Indeed, the social scientists
amongst us might be encouraged to discuss how and which building blocks
result in fora with particular phenotypes.

Yeah, I know it's navel gazing... at its worst, even.  But I don't think
it's anything like censorship ... more like an acknowledgement that
etiquette matters.

As for the thread on cold fusion, itself... well, I'm very grateful for
the posts.  I've been trying to follow it on my own; but it gets lost in
all the other things I'm also trying to follow (like Penrose's CCC and
the concentric circles in the CMB, or the continuing saga of rising
narcissism in college students, etc.)  I appreciate them at least as
much as I appreciate the posts on topics like Javascript or new EC2
features.  And I particularly like to follow the critical antics of
skeptics.  Speaking of which, there's a good entry here:

Nicholas Thompson wrote circa 11-01-25 12:37 PM:
> I hear you edging out onto the slippery slope of censorship, here.  Even if
> the cold fusion thing is completely unfounded, it has more interest as a
> cultural phenomenon than many of the topics in good standing on Friam.
> Don't go there, Steve.  Don't listen to him, Rich.  

glen e. p. ropella, 971-222-9095, http://tempusdictum.com

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org
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Friam Censorship, Thread Hijacking, etc.

Steve Smith
Good point all...

Re: [FRIAM] [Vo]:Proposition to the Membership of Vortex List in Regards
to Andrea Rossi

I was not attempting to censor Rich, I was trying to head off a larger
group who might desire to do such, by offering him a method of
self-censor which needn't cut us off from the diversity this list/group
exhibits by it's nature.   I do not think Rich's contributions are
outside of our range... just unique in their "impersonal" style.

Rich (not unlike many of us) has a unique style of contribution which
can be unnerving (as are many of our styles) to some... what *I* would
like if anything is a more personal context offered up...  too often his
posts remind me of listening to my parents old Zenith WaveMagnet radio
in the back country of NM where at any given time, the weak staticy
newly minted Rock and Roll from KOMA or XROK would be interrupted by a
BBC (or worse, a language I could not decipher) News report fading in
over the music.  Unwelcome at one level, yet expanding and therefore
welcome at another.

I'm not much of a follower of fads or conspiracies or even the things
which might turn out to be one or the other, so I'm not that interested
in "yet another" Cold Fusion or etc. ...   but I'm also pretty good at
skimming things that don't speak directly or well to me, so Rich's posts
are not a problem for me directly, and I hope others who might not track
the relevance can find their own way to not be distracted overmuch.

- Steve

> Well, I'd say what Steve suggested is in a completely different category
> from anything like censorship.  Awhile back, Owen mentioned thread
> hijacking.  We've sporadically "plugged" our own work.  We sometimes use
> the list to review products or services or to complain about some
> defector.  We top-post, bottom-post, fail to trim quotations, etc.  I've
> even been accused of "killing the karma", an accusation I cherish to
> this day. ;-)
> So, Steve's query about guidance for this lonely thread is as much
> cultural as the contents of the thread.  Indeed, the social scientists
> amongst us might be encouraged to discuss how and which building blocks
> result in fora with particular phenotypes.
> Yeah, I know it's navel gazing... at its worst, even.  But I don't think
> it's anything like censorship ... more like an acknowledgement that
> etiquette matters.
> As for the thread on cold fusion, itself... well, I'm very grateful for
> the posts.  I've been trying to follow it on my own; but it gets lost in
> all the other things I'm also trying to follow (like Penrose's CCC and
> the concentric circles in the CMB, or the continuing saga of rising
> narcissism in college students, etc.)  I appreciate them at least as
> much as I appreciate the posts on topics like Javascript or new EC2
> features.  And I particularly like to follow the critical antics of
> skeptics.  Speaking of which, there's a good entry here:
> http://www.thejayfk.com/?p=216
> Nicholas Thompson wrote circa 11-01-25 12:37 PM:
>> I hear you edging out onto the slippery slope of censorship, here.  Even if
>> the cold fusion thing is completely unfounded, it has more interest as a
>> cultural phenomenon than many of the topics in good standing on Friam.
>> Don't go there, Steve.  Don't listen to him, Rich.

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org