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Re: [Vo]:OT - Sunday's Sermon: Peace-Of-MInd

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Re: [Vo]:OT - Sunday's Sermon: Peace-Of-MInd

Rich Murray-2
I am happily amazed to see a wonderful confirmation of my own good
intentions mirrored back to me within today's dream unfoldment within
my own realm of evolving yet changeless awareness-being...

A Zen saying: two thieves who happen to meet one another by chance at
night in a wealthy target urban area,
recognize one another instantly...

I know two others within Vortex-L who allow nondual transformation.

A few will read this, and some very carefully, so I will offer some
catalytic comments:

1. we volunteer to be here in this daily mutual virtual reality
simulation, which happens to have no effect whatsoever, regardless of
how wonderful, tedious, painful, horrible, and frightful the play may
vividly seem, on the single invulnerable infinite source...

2. the play does its best in every game ("incarnation", including
doing quite a large number of games, ah, "simultaneously") to keep us
really hooked on the virtual reality avatar (body brain image and its
programming) within its personalized surrounding world game virtual
environment, social and physical -- none of this is factual, real,
reasonable, fair, understandable, controllable, predetermined, random,
or causal...

3. besides fear and attachment, ambition and duty, curiosity and
adventurousness, the almost infallible recipe for ensnaring souls is
competition and conflict on  all levels -- kill or be killed -- he,
she, it versus me -- which always plays out as a competition to be a
winning victim, who deserves, because of another's selfish attack, to
attack back and win, no matter what -- we see this dramatized in our
lives, and in virtually every media plot -- victim-perpetrator vs
victim-perpetrator, actually perfect mirrors, colliding and
fragmenting, seemingly forever... so we exclude the only thing there
is, the single infinite awareness-being, as a source far beyond us, or
who has abandoned us, or who is testing and judging and punishing us
in the savage coliseum (colossal collision) of life, or who is
insanely evil itself, or who has its own invincible equal perpetrator,

4. the stronger and more vivid the dream of separation from the only
thing that really exists, inevitably creates a multidimensional
restoring dynamic, called grace or Holy Spirit, that patiently acts in
collaboration with our forever free will to become self-motivated to
choose relaxation away from the dramas, and choices for benign
patterns of life that allow actually unlimited restoration of free
unfettered awareness-being... be a bystander, said Joel Sol

5. it takes just a little effort to relax from effort... increasing
peace and expanded awareness experience are potent motivators for
relaxing more and more... the journal of a thousand miles starts with
a first step... we are simply pivoting easily towards a benign source
hyperinfinity that is helplessly welcoming, the fullness of our own
identity, always already, all ways, most intimately and radically
forever here, within us as identity, as we allow our ears to hear, our
I's to see, our IS to be...

6. so, drawing on modern patterns of thought, we can pee within the
ocean by saying,
"Each of us is already all of single entire unified creative fractal

7. even a single mirror without effort increases the coherence of any
incoherent light that shines restlessly on it, via self-resonant
stimulated emission -- as in the laser in 1960, two mirrors in exact
parallel facing one another can produce intense self-coherence,
effortlessly relaxing the over-abundance of highly excited, over
energized states between them -- the source infinity operates without
effort in a similar way, profoundly harmonizing every wrought up,
hyper complex thought stream that starts to move back towards it --
and each such thought stream with the multidimensional fractal
infinity likewise serves as an extension of this effortless
harmonizing impersonal influence, Love...

8. we forget entirely the previous savagely entrancing video games of
life in the coliseum -- starting to participate effortlessly in the
joint harmonies of spontaneously coherent cocreation, the Kingdom of
Heaven on Earth, and as well consciously participating in
multidimensional infinity realms of stupendous variety within the
source fractal hyperinfinity...

9. ask for help in plain language...

10. welcome unplanned spontaneous change without limit...

11. pay close attention to as many streams of spiritual blah-blah as
come along easily, while studying the reality of a subtle level of
awareness within your ordinary mind that senses instantly what to
trust and apply in your own infinitely unique unfoldment within the
absolutely allowing, appreciative, fractal source, equally within you
as well in everyone else without exception...

12. always remember to laugh...

Within mutual mumbling,  Rich Murray
Skype audio, video rich.murray11

On Sun, Oct 9, 2011 at 7:10 PM, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
<[hidden email]> wrote:

I was struck by something Jed recently said about Rich Murray's
train-of-thought concerning the on-going Rossi's saga.

Jed sed:

> [Rich Murray] will grasp at any straw to avoid facing the truth.

The following personal commentary might seem a bit convoluted, and
maybe even a bit too personal for inclusion here. However, Since Mr.
Murray has courageously chosen to reveal a few of his prior mistakes
in life I felt it was ok to continue with a few additional personal
thoughts of my own, particularly since I too have made many mistakes
in my life. (...and like, who hasn't.) In any case, I hope a few here
will find some of the following "sermon" useful on some level.

<Sunday's Sermon>

Regarding the on-going Rossi debate I don't think Rich's primary
concerns has really been about the need to "face the truth", insofar
as Mr. Rothwell indelicately put it in. Actually that goes for the
entire CF Saga as well. I think it has far more to do with a very
legitimate quest on Rich Murray's part to find what I would call: A
Separate Peace-Of-Mind. Just maybe, now... I think I have a better
understanding of where Rich is coming from. It took a while for Mr.
Murray's Higher Quest to sink into my dense skull.

For many us who earlier in our lives lived through a string chaotic
passages filled with broken promises and bitter self-inflicted
disappointments there can come a time when we begin to long for a
place of calm stability, a soothing State of Existence far away from
all the chaos we have had to endure. We seek Peace-Of-Mind.

I suspect one of the most profound truths a human being can stumble
across in our all-too-brief and chaotic lives is the awareness that
the only true happiness that lasts is the kind that comes from letting
go of all of our external attachments, hopes, and desires. This is not
an easy lesson to learn. It certainly hasn't been an easy one for me.
It seems to go against the very nature and fiber of ourselves – to let
go of all of our attachments. We fear that letting will threaten our
sense of identity, who we "think" we are. We fear we will be stripped
down beyond the core of ourselves, to become utterly naked.
Nevertheless, we have to be willing to face the terror of literally
not knowing who the "I" of me really is, what makes "I" survive in the
external world. Those who find a way to let go of themselves either
through conscious intent or through accidental circumstances, they can
encounter rare opportunity to experience, perhaps briefly, a profound
Inner Peace-Of-Mind. It is a Peace-Of-Mind that suggests a profound
realization that they really don't need all of those external
attachments to things in order to be really happy about themselves and
how they operate with the chaotic world we have created. This Inner
Peace-Of-Mind tells them everything they really need in order to be
simply happy comes from within. Perhaps the biggest cosmic joke of all
is the realization that all we really need in order to be happy had
always been within Ourselves – that it had been there from the
beginning. We just had to be willing to let go of all the layers of
psychological camouflage we have cocooned ourselves within.

OK, so much for all the of that transcendent Eckhart Tolle
mumbo-jumbo. Back to practical matters.

When individuals like Rich (and MYSELF as well, I might add) first
begin to sense the existence of their own inner Peace-Of-Mind we still
continue to feel the same strong desires to acquire all of the formal
things in the external world that used to drive our sense of identity
– what drove our sense of what we think we need in order to be happy.
Truth of the matter is: Old habits die hard! To be honest I'm still
feel quiet attached to the external world, and there is nothing wrong
with that. I still pursue, sometimes quiet obsessively I might add!!!!
It's more a matter of learning to know the difference between being
completely overwhelmed by the attachments we have constructed around
ourselves, versus becoming aware of the subtle difference where every
second of the day, we can either chose or chose not to remain so
involuntarily attached.

Now, I ask the reader, look at the entire CF community. Look at Rossi
& Co. as well... Look specifically at what many of these "external"
organizations promise they will be able to do for the entire world –
if... if... ONLY IF everyone will support their endeavors, and
particularly in the financial sense. For many of us, like Rich & me,
who are still a little new to experiencing that inner Peace-Of-Mind,
it can make us feel a little uncomfortable. It is not at all that
surprising that some of us would tend to look upon the CF community
and all the outlandish external promises they claim can be fulfilled
(all with proper funding, of course) from a slightly suspicious frame
of reference. For one thing, repeatedly hearing their promises for a
"better future" can ironically remind us all too much of the false
promises we made to ourselves - unfulfilled promises that eventually
shattered our own sense of who we thought we were.

For some of us, under the circumstances of where we are still doing
our best NOT to allow ourselves to once again succumb to the trap of
investing too much of our identity in a future utopia, the best
approach is simply NOT to buy into any of these outlandish Cold Fusion
promises. It's not surprising that aspects of CF community can be
perceived as a sort of False God. We remember all too painfully the
folly we experienced at our own hands. Some of us also begin to worry
that others will succumb to the same folly we ourselves encountered
earlier in our checkered lives. Some of us feel obliged to warn others
not to "buy into" similar spiels for which we ourselves had succumbed
to. We say: Don't make the same mistakes we ourselves had made! All of
these fantastic external claims coming from the CF community (and that
certainly includes Rossi & Co.) they simply feel all-too-personal to
us, especially the debacles we inflicted upon ourselves and others.

Granted, it would appear that I have come to a different opinion or
conclusion in regards to Rossi & Co, as compared to Rich's current
stance. But no matter. To choose not put much stock in the external
dreams for which CF promises the world is, I suspect, what Rich really
needs to honor within himself – perhaps in order to help remind
himself that his inner Peace-Of-Mind is still there - that his inner
Peace-Of-Mind has nothing to do with the CF community. I would say,
just let go of it all, especially the judgments. Simply tend to your
own garden. Later, when hopefully we get a little more comfortable
with sensing the permanence our own Inner Peace-Of-Mind, I think most
of us can then allow our guard down a little more. We can then begin
to enjoy our observations without constantly having to judge what it
is we are trying to perceive with greater clarity. Simply watch in a
free and spontaneous way, all in-the-moment – even with amusement at
all the scrappy shenanigans constantly erupting within the CF field.
We can begin to watch what's unfolding without feeling so personally
vulnerable or susceptible to all of its seductive charms. Just go with
the flow.

I suspect Rich has sensed his Inner Peace-Of-Mind. I suspect Rich is
diligently working to make sure that Peace-Of-Mind remains within the
core of his transcendent Sense of Absolute Awareness. Granted, it
might not be sensed much of the time. It sure as hell comes and goes
for me... Most of the time, it’s gone. ;-) But we still remember that
calm Inner Peace-of-Mind. We know it's there somewhere... somewhere
inside our "self".  The tragic truth of the matter is that many on
this planet never ever sense an Inner Peace-Of-Mind. Many in this
world are never so lucky as Mr. Murray.

</Sunday's Sermon>


Steven Vincent Johnson


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Re: [Vo]:OT - Sunday's Sermon: Peace-Of-MInd

Sounds like you're talking about the Singularity:  That non-dual thing
which already exists with all its many many-world extrapolated
realties and just waits for the rest of us (or all of us) to accept
the only scenario that [since it already computed every possibility]
lasts eternally.

On Sun, Oct 9, 2011 at 10:42 PM, Rich Murray <[hidden email]> wrote:
> A Zen saying: two thieves who happen to meet one another by chance at
> night in a wealthy target urban area,
> recognize one another instantly...


FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org
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Re: [Vo]:OT - Sunday's Sermon: Peace-Of-MInd

Sarbajit Roy (testing)
Just out of curiosity, how many religions (or scientists) explicitly acknowledge the Singularity conception ? My own one does. [ http://brahmo.org/true-brahmo-principles.html ]

On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 6:00 AM, Marcos <[hidden email]> wrote:
Sounds like you're talking about the Singularity:  That non-dual thing
which already exists with all its many many-world extrapolated
realties and just waits for the rest of us (or all of us) to accept
the only scenario that [since it already computed every possibility]
lasts eternally.

On Sun, Oct 9, 2011 at 10:42 PM, Rich Murray <[hidden email]> wrote:
> A Zen saying: two thieves who happen to meet one another by chance at
> night in a wealthy target urban area,
> recognize one another instantly...


FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org
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Re: [Vo]:OT - Sunday's Sermon: Peace-Of-MInd

On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 7:32 PM, Sarbajit Roy <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Just out of curiosity, how many religions (or scientists) explicitly
> acknowledge the Singularity conception ? My own one does. [
> http://brahmo.org/true-brahmo-principles.html ]

I know that mystical (or kabbalistic) Judaism acknowledges the
concept, where its called the "ein sof".  It's the center of the Tree
of Life, which is to say, the heart of YHVH him/herself.


FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org