Re: Noodle me this!

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Re: Noodle me this!

Nick Thompson
Actually, we carried on the work a little further at Wedtech.pbworks. com.  I have made you a
"writer" there and am happy to make you an administrator if you want to try to run with it in some way.    Until I get done my medical stuff and get back to SF, I wont be able to give much systematic help. 
it is "private", but if others on the list are curious, I am happy to give reader access so that they can decide whether they want to join. 
It is pretty disorganized.  It consists mostly of our attempts to build an interlocking glossary of complexity terms. I thought if we could do it, we might publish it in JASSS, because I don't think we are the only people with interests in complexity who are having trouble "coming to terms."   In our face-to-face discussions, we isolated  some interesting issues and made some limited progress, but every time we tried to do some practical work, we seemed to founder on what exactly an "order parameter" is.  We haven't done anything on it since March.   At that time, there was some feeling that we should stop talking and DO something (with which I was sympathetic, actually),  but nobody with the programing skills had the free time and I got drawn away by some interesting seminars at SAR that met in a conflicting time slot.   
Nicholas S. Thompson
Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Ethology,
Clark University ([hidden email])
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 7/12/2009 5:53:30 PM
Subject: Noodle me this!

Gentlemen -

I went  asearchin' for that old bowl of noodles we let sit on the shelf too long and found that it had been moved to a new shelf, wonderfully preserved in the state we left it!   A *full year ago*!!!!

I am as guilty as anyone of not carrying this forward effectively.  I was "gung ho" when Nick introduced it, but now as I read through your contributions, I realize I hardly engaged at that false-start.

With Owen and Doug and Robert hooting across the coffee shop to "Keep it down over there you, you, you... Philosophers!"  I am suggesting that we try to dust of this bowl of noodles and see if it might still offer some communal nourishment....

I find that several of the noodles here should have been the kernel to accrete a growing and interesting body of discussion/knowledge about several topics... roughly centered around Systems Theory and Complexity .

Are we game to move some of the FRIAM discussions next door to the Noodle Shop.   We can still check back in at the Coffee Shop, Noodle Bowls in hand if ammunition is needed!

Actually I think Wiki Pages (Not neccesarily Noodle style) would be useful for FRIAM-the-*APPLIED*-Complexity crew as well, so that the discussion *builds* rather than just coming and going with the winds of interest and fashion.

Anybody else have the stomach for some Noodles?


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