Re: Justice Goes Global -

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Re: Justice Goes Global -

Jen Watkins
Thanks for this Owen. I have watched the Charlie Rose interview and am
on to the first lecture.


On 6/20/2011 6:03 PM, Owen Densmore wrote:

> I'm oddly fortunate to have roughly 1.25 hr/day to listen/look at
> interesting talks (due to required exercise).  Charlie Rose is a
> frequent source, and interestingly enough, had a recent talk with
> Michael Sanel, who I point to below
> Here's Charlie's interview:
>          -- Owen
> On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 10:26 AM, Owen Densmore<[hidden email]>  wrote:
>> You can tell I'm catching up on Tom Friedman's articles!  BTW: His home page:
>> .. lets you read his NYTimes articles without counting against your
>> free access to their site.
>> What interested me in this:
>> was the popularity of an apparently compelling teacher of philosophy,
>> Michael Sander, admittedly very "applied".  He's so popular that folks
>> put together a TV series of his work:
>>    -- Owen
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