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Re: Friam Digest, Vol 22, Issue 28

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Re: Friam Digest, Vol 22, Issue 28

Robert Lancaster-2
Hi Nick - I can't truthfully say that I know any German.  I took the
German test for the graduate record to see how hard it was, and to my
amazement I passed it.  But that was long ago--I don't really know any
German.  Far from my favorite language.  I knew a couple of Germans
many years ago, too.  Nice fellows--hardly ate any babies.  But I
haven't seen them for decades.  If you remember the German version I'd
like to see it.


On Apr 28, 2005, at 11:29 PM, [hidden email] wrote:

> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2005 11:27:31 -0600
> From: "Nicholas Thompson" <[hidden email]>
> Subject: [FRIAM] RE: Friam Digest, Vol 22, Issue 27
> To: [hidden email]
> Message-ID: <[hidden email]>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
> Robert,
> Not only does it not rhyme, it TWITTERS in a most distressing way.
> The German is much more satisfying, but still doesnt rhyme.  But I
> cannot
> remember it.
> Do you know any German?  Or any Germans, for that matter.
> Nick
> Nicholas S. Thompson
> Professor of Psychology and Ethology
> Clark University
> [hidden email]
> http://home.earthlink.net/~nickthompson/
>  [hidden email]
Best regards

Robert Lancaster

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Re: Friam Digest, Vol 22, Issue 28

Russell Standish
I just did a Google translation of drum into German. The word is
"Trommel". Then I did a Google search of the words "Trommel Macbeth",
and the first page returned was:

Eine Trommel! Was geschieht? Macbeth kommt!


I think this is the translation you want.

Tschuess, as my German friends would say!

On Fri, Apr 29, 2005 at 08:52:35PM -0700, Robert Lancaster wrote:

> Hi Nick - I can't truthfully say that I know any German.  I took the
> German test for the graduate record to see how hard it was, and to my
> amazement I passed it.  But that was long ago--I don't really know any
> German.  Far from my favorite language.  I knew a couple of Germans
> many years ago, too.  Nice fellows--hardly ate any babies.  But I
> haven't seen them for decades.  If you remember the German version I'd
> like to see it.
> Bob
> On Apr 28, 2005, at 11:29 PM, [hidden email] wrote:
> >Message: 1
> >Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2005 11:27:31 -0600
> >From: "Nicholas Thompson" <[hidden email]>
> >Subject: [FRIAM] RE: Friam Digest, Vol 22, Issue 27
> >To: [hidden email]
> >Message-ID: <[hidden email]>
> >Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
> >
> >Robert,
> >
> >Not only does it not rhyme, it TWITTERS in a most distressing way.
> >
> >The German is much more satisfying, but still doesnt rhyme.  But I
> >cannot
> >remember it.
> >Do you know any German?  Or any Germans, for that matter.
> >
> >Nick
> >
> >Nicholas S. Thompson
> >Professor of Psychology and Ethology
> >Clark University
> >[hidden email]
> >http://home.earthlink.net/~nickthompson/
> > [hidden email]
> Best regards
> Robert Lancaster
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