Well, I just had to do a quick renov recently to hotscotch over yours -- a 1 km wide rigid carbon nanotube fiber donut structure, with a tough graphene membrane gas tight envelope that contains steam vapor heated to 1000 deg C as a permanent hot gas ultra lift balloon, that suspends an optical glass house in the center via thin carbon nanotube cables, with solar photoelectric panels all over the donut top and sides, that store energy via electrolyzed water that resides in O2 and H2 tanks, that feed engines that drive efficient fans, that move the whole bejesus anywhere in the world where interesting Holocene air burst impacts can be viewed conveniently through any wall or floor under automatic computer autopilot via GPS location and Google Earth Professional maps and views -- here's a nice one just now...
Planning 10 km wide version after the next decade to soar gently into orbit by circling the Earth faster and faster for a week, then around Moon and Earth, then Moon, then to orbit around Mars and then float in the thin air there, before cruising the rest of the solar system -- after a decade or two, exponentially evolving technology should make the 100 km wide Galactic RV hyperdrive version convenient for a few more decades, before making bodiless hyperhyperjumps into [ $ free, Yes, FREE ! ] multiple identity explorations within some millions of enticing nonphysical realms -- O dear, what's a poor bored infinite soul to do ? Waiter, more being, more being, I say !
within mutual surveillance, Rich Murray and Sondra Spies
On Mon, Jan 2, 2012 at 2:12 PM, Dan Novak
<[hidden email]> wrote: [ wonderful images of perfect personal abode in the coming Post Obama Elite TransEnvironmental Style era ... ]
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, January 02, 2012 4:00 PM
To: relatives and friends
Subject: FW: Gail and Dan have
just finished remodeling their house!
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