Re: *Bah!* - Trump - Become smarter in minutes

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Re: *Bah!* - Trump - Become smarter in minutes

Steve Smith
Marcus -
Wisdom isn’t spontaneously created by intelligence, but it accrues through experience (both individual and cultural).  With low intelligence, the accrual process slows.   The behaviors can be mimicked, and often are by political agents.
In general I agree with/believe you.   I reserve, however, the possibility that there are many orders or levels of wisdom such as that accrued (very slowly) through biological evolution.  A "species" might be said to have a certain wisdom, and just so with a culture, and ultimately an individual or one aspect of an individual's psyche perhaps?   I have met people (and apprehended cultures) which appear to have one mode of wisdom while being virtually devoid of wisdom in another mode.   Not to be overly judgemental, but many primitive or at least "old" subcultures seem to have this duality... 

I am probably reporting from the "other side" (wrong side) of the hill (as in "over the hill") and erring on conservative thoughtfulness in the face of brash full-speed-ahead.   I"m not sure my "new way" is better than the "old way", but it IS different?  

<rant> As an aside, it is a very fascinating study that so many people can hear the likes of Trump belligerently bellowing: "I have a very good brain" and think he is correct.  I think you already referenced his 4th grade vocabulary/speech patterns, so sometimes all I can wonder is if *most* people who think he IS particularly intelligent believe it because *their* language skills are even more stunted than his?  Or perhaps they give him a pass on his articulateness and focus on his performance as a businessman?   Quantitatively he may (or may not) have done well on that count,  most likely his biggest achievement was to NOT have lost the family fortune he was bequeathed?       Others seem to like him because he seems so "down to earth and folksy"... he "tells it like it is", but that falls down so badly for me when he "tells it like he imagines it in the moment" and then says something entirely different the next time with no retraction or apology for the first gaffe.   I think this is classic Narcissistic personality disorder?   The "you" of the immediate moment is always right, everyone else is wrong unless they agree with you in detail, including some former self who may have said the exact opposite ten minutes before? </rant>

- Steve




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