RE:Self-introduction (James Stalker)

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RE:Self-introduction (James Stalker)

James R. Stalker, PHD [RESPR]
Fellow Friamers,

I started attending the Friam meetings since late May of this year. Nick
Thompson was instrumental in making me take a closer look at this Forum.
Some of the initial discussions with Nick about weather and stuff also led
to the much needed seriousness on my part to attend these meetings. Note
that I have been living in Santa Fe since 1998, but never took the Forum
seriously. Thank you, Nick!

I am glad I finally made the decision to get involved. I have met a lot
of you fine folks in some of these meetings and presented a WedTech talk
(see for details, hosted by Stephen Guerin) that
included an overview of my regional weather forecasting company, RESPR (Regional
Earth System Predictability Research), based in Santa Fe.

I have professional background in Mechanical Engineering (BS & MS degrees),
computational fluid dynamics (CFD), and Atmospheric Sciences (MS & PHD degrees),
severe local storms (SLS), and was a Technical Staff Scientist
for a number of years at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) until 2003.

I have developed high-resolution atmospheric modeling capabilities and parallel
computing resources (e.g., I built our parallel cluster using my own configuration
strategies) to run realtime forecasts at RESPR. Currently, we are focusing
on the wind energy sector with our model wind assessment and short-term
forecast products and wind project consulting services. Additionally, I
would like to take this opportunity to mention that we have an aggressive
business plan to penetrate the wind market with our above products and services
and currently are open to equity investment from compatible investors.

I had also developed a number of SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research)
proposals over the past couple of years that received favorable reviews
but never brought in funding (unfortunately). I would be excited to revisit
these proposals with right strategic business partners so we could secure
funding successfully.

I have a lot of experience in developing computer codes using different
languages for scientific computing, visualization, and other applications.

I am not at all expecting any of you to pick up that phone and call me and
say you have funding and needed some project critical work performed by
yesterday (would be welcome and nice, though). What I am interested in,
however, is to find some key business partners to develop large projects
that all the participating businesses could benefit from.

I hope to hear from such potential partners and also hope to meet those
that I have not already met and interact with you all through these great
informal meetings.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments.

Best regards,

James Stalker

|Dr. James R. Stalker, President & CEO
|[hidden email]              
|RESPR, INC. (                                  
|P.O. Box 29493
|Santa Fe, New Mexico 87592                          
|5054387155(phone)* 5054387111(fax)    