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Query on Fundamentals of Agent-Based Simulation

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Query on Fundamentals of Agent-Based Simulation

Cook, Ian-3


I'm new as well, and in a similar position as Jim. If I might impose,
I'd like to be copied on the responses to his questions (in case they're
not sent to the whole list).


Many thanks, and have thoroughly enjoyed the conversations thus far...


-Ian Cook


Research Fellow

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From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On
Behalf Of Jim Duggan
Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2006 4:51 AM
To: Friam at redfish.com
Subject: [FRIAM] Query on Fundamentals of Agent-Based Simulation




I'm new to the list. I work at NUI, Galway (West Coast of Ireland!), and
my research interests include System Dynamics, Simulation and Operations
Research. I have

designed and built simulators based on numerical

integration and timed Petri nets, and I am looking to

extend these systems (if possible) so that they can

model societies of interacting agents.


Before I attempt this, I'm looking for any pointers

(books, web sites) on how you might built an

agent-based simulation system from scratch. I have

a reasonable understanding of systems such as Zeus

and Jade, but these seem more suited to building

agent implemations, rather than models of agents. I

am aware of systems such as Swarm and Repast, although

I have not built any models using these environments



Some initial questions I'm exploring include:


- Are agent-based simulation systems always based on the discrete-event

- What underlying techniques are used to build agent societies (graph
theory?) and maintain connections between agents?

- How are heuristics/behaviours dealt with in agent-based simulation


Any insights on these questions would be appreciated,


many thanks,


Jim Duggan.



Dr. Jim Duggan, Chartered Engineer,
Department of Information Technology,
National University of Ireland, Galway,
Email:     jim.duggan at nuigalway.ie
Web:     http://corrib.it.nuigalway.ie
Phone:   353-91-493336

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