Pretty cool (extremely verbose response)

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Pretty cool (extremely verbose response)

John Pfersich
Verbose, but very interesting reading.
Where do you find the "Linux box for $200 which is the size of a keychain?"

At 12:14 PM 11/21/2005 -0700, Giles Bowkett wrote:

>They're already building a data-center-in-a-box. It's already possible
>to pick up a Linux box for $200 which is the size of a keychain. In
>ten years, it might be possible to pick up a **data center** for $200
>(or the equivalent) which is the size of a keychain. At that point,
>data centers will be a commodity, and Google will be in the business
>of controlling access to the operating system all these commodities

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Pretty cool (extremely verbose response)

Giles Bowkett

On 11/21/05, John Pfersich <jp1660 at> wrote:

> Verbose, but very interesting reading.
> Where do you find the "Linux box for $200 which is the size of a keychain?"
> At 12:14 PM 11/21/2005 -0700, Giles Bowkett wrote:
> ...
> >They're already building a data-center-in-a-box. It's already possible
> >to pick up a Linux box for $200 which is the size of a keychain. In
> >ten years, it might be possible to pick up a **data center** for $200
> >(or the equivalent) which is the size of a keychain. At that point,
> >data centers will be a commodity, and Google will be in the business
> >of controlling access to the operating system all these commodities
> >require.
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Giles Bowkett = Giles Goat Boy