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Presenters requested for EYH Conference Santa Fe May 23rd

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Presenters requested for EYH Conference Santa Fe May 23rd

Victoria Hughes
 Hello all-
I'm helping Irene Lee at SFI organize this year's Expanding Your Horizons Conference in Santa Fe.
We are looking for a few more women to present at the EYH conference on STEM topics. 

Each presenter will do one or two short hands-on projects involving some part of their field. The goal is to  introduce girls in 5th-8th grade to professional women who are using their STEM degrees for interesting and fulfilling careers and lives. Funding is available for materials. 

Date: May 23rd
Time: Program starts at 9am
            Speakers can do one or two presentations: each presentation is 50 minutes long
Site: Santa Fe Community College
Interested yourself?
Do you know any women in STEM fields that would be interested and available to participate? 

The effect on the girls can be lifelong, and the experience itself rewarding for presenters as well - 
I presented Fractals in Polymer last year: seeing girls proudly displaying multicolored 4th-iteration Sierpinski Triangles was quite gratifying. 
You may email either of us-
Victoria Hughes [hidden email]
or Irene Lee         [hidden email]
Thank you in advance for suggestions!

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