Possible Literary Emergence

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Possible Literary Emergence

Orlando Leibovitz
 Her Other Life by Lissa Reidel, is a interactive international
thriller, posted in episodes on the blog, www.HerOtherLife.com
<http://www.herotherlife.com/>  Readers are invited to suggest plot
ideas, altering the outcome of the story. Soon readers will be invited
to email the fictional characters. The final  work of art
will emerge from the interaction of  the author's original story and
readers' ideas and correspondence.

 Episodes of Her Other Life are posted in print and mp3 on Mondays and
Thursdays. To catch up on the story, open the PDF by clicking /Read
Episodes of Her Other Life/ /So Far /or scroll down for past episodes in
print and mp3.

Orlando Leibovitz

Orlando Leibovitz

orlando at orlandoleibovitz.com


Studio Telephone: 505-820-6183

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