Personhood: A Game for Two or More Players | Melting Asphalt

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Personhood: A Game for Two or More Players | Melting Asphalt

Nick Thompson

Dear Friammers,


At last Friday’s service, the group was kind enough to talk about my insane idea that the same internet,  which had deformed all my fellow citizens into insane narcissists who would engage in no website that did not begin with the word “I-“ or “You-“, etc., could transform them back again by creating a space for calm, rational, argument.  Afterward, Jon Zingale sent me this extraordinary article.


Reading this article, my original insane idea became transformed into a new insane idea.  Could personhood be propagated on the internet as a virus? 


I am hoping that we could carve out a few minutes at next Friday’s meeting of the home church to discuss this, but I would love to hear some discussion of the article here in the meantime. 


One thing:  The discussion of “Aspies” at the end seemed totally out of keeping with the rest of the article.  One of the first steps toward depersonalization is the assignment of some cute name.  “Girls” comes to mind.  As somebody with marginal Asperger’s tendencies myself,  my whole being cried out, “I am not your Aspie.”  Please do not get hung up on this part of the article.  I want you all to grapple with the idea that civil argument could become an attractor in a system with the right parameters. 





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