Papert released from hospital

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Papert released from hospital

Stephen Guerin
The Thanh Nien Daily is reporting that Papert was released from his Boston
hospital and is speaking again.


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Papert released from hospital

Uri Wilensky
Well this article is  misleading.
I am with Seymour right now.
While it is true that Seymour is speaking, he is far from fully recovered.
He is still in early stages of recovery. He does not recognize other people
or even himself.
He is still in the hospital and will be yet for an extended  period.. We
are still hopeful that he will recover eventually, but if he does, it'll
take many months.
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...... Original Message .......
On Tue, 23 Jan 2007 00:13:21 -0700 "Stephen Guerin"
<stephen.guerin at> wrote:

>The Thanh Nien Daily is reporting that Papert was released from his Boston
>hospital and is speaking again.
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Papert released from hospital

Uri Wilensky
In reply to this post by Stephen Guerin
>The Thanh Nien Daily is reporting that Papert was released from his Boston
>hospital and is speaking again.

I wanted to clarify Seymour's status as this article may be misleading.
I  have just spent most of today with Seymour Papert.
Seymour Papert is far from being back to normal after his accident in Hanoi.
After six weeks since his emergency airlift back to the US, He has
been making gradual slow progress.
He remains in the hospital undergoing strenuous rehab and will have
to remain hospitalized for at least 3-4 months more. He still suffers
profound cognitive deficits which we all hope will improve over time
but it is expected to be a very long process.


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Papert released from hospital

Stephen Guerin
In reply to this post by Uri Wilensky
Thank you for the update, Uri.

We will continue to keep Dr. Papert in our thoughts.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Uri Wilensky [mailto:uri at]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2007 9:05 AM
> To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
> Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Papert released from hospital
> Well this article is  misleading.
> I am with Seymour right now.
> While it is true that Seymour is speaking, he is far from
> fully recovered.
> He is still in early stages of recovery. He does not
> recognize other people or even himself.
> He is still in the hospital and will be yet for an extended  
> period.. We are still hopeful that he will recover
> eventually, but if he does, it'll take many months.
> ___
> Sent with SnapperMail
> ...... Original Message .......
> On Tue, 23 Jan 2007 00:13:21 -0700 "Stephen Guerin"
> <stephen.guerin at> wrote:
> >The Thanh Nien Daily is reporting that Papert was released from his
> >Boston hospital and is speaking again.
> >
> >
> >-S

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Papert released from hospital

James Steiner
In reply to this post by Stephen Guerin
Thank you for the information, Uri.

Seymour Papert is one of my heros.
