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Paper access

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Paper access

Ross Goeres
> Types and Forms of Emergence
> http://arxiv.org/abs/nlin.AO/0506028

    How does one go about reading this paper?  The system seems to think I want
editing rights (cut-and-pasted from the error message below); is there a
read-only link or did I miss a memo somewhere?


You can't claim ownership of nlin/0506028

We do not allow people other than the authors of a paper to claim ownership of
a paper before a paper has been publically announced.

Historically, some authors have given the paper password to their friends so
that their friends can view the paper before it has been accepted into arXiv.
Unfortunately, this causes problems under the current system, in which entering
a paper password makes a user an owner of a paper who is entitled to make
changes to the paper. In some cases, friends accidentally select "Yes" to the
"Are you an author?" question, making an incorrect authority record.

ArXiv.org considers submissions to be confidential between the submitter and/or
authors of a paper and ourselves until a paper is announced. If you'd like to
read nlin/0506028 before then, please ask the authors to send you a copy. Thank
you for your patience.

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AW: Paper access

Jochen Fromm-2

:-) You are right, the arXiv site needs roughly a day
between submission and public access/announcement.
It is now public available, see