Outa Here for a few Days!

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Outa Here for a few Days!

Friam mailing list
Gang: just a fyi..Dede and I are jumping ship quickly to go be
grandparents!  We're leaving tomorrow, coming back in a week,
via train, to San Diego.

Have fun!

Owen Densmore            451 Camino Don Miguel      Santa Fe, NM 87505
Work: 505-983-6305       Cell: 505-570-0168         Home: 505-988-3787
[hidden email]  http://complexityworkshop.com 

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Outa Here for a few Days!

Friam mailing list
blessings on the wee one! warm regards, edy

-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]]On Behalf
Of Owen Densmore
Sent: Friday, May 09, 2003 1:46 PM
To: [hidden email]; J.R. Newcomb; Merle Lefkoff
Subject: [FRIAM] Outa Here for a few Days!

Gang: just a fyi..Dede and I are jumping ship quickly to go be
grandparents!  We're leaving tomorrow, coming back in a week,
via train, to San Diego.

Have fun!

Owen Densmore            451 Camino Don Miguel      Santa Fe, NM 87505
Work: 505-983-6305       Cell: 505-570-0168         Home: 505-988-3787
[hidden email]  http://complexityworkshop.com 

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