Optimizing marine reserve design

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Optimizing marine reserve design

Roger Critchlow-2
Here are links to articles which came up in discussions today about
helping negotiations along with computational support.

The first (http://elf.org/pub/malakoff2002.pdf) is a news article
talking about using combinatorial optimization to design marine
reserves in Baja, the Bahamas, and the Great Barrier Reef.

The second (http://elf.org/pub/sala2002.pdf) is a research article
by the scientists designing the marine reserve in Baja.

I'll leave the articles up for a few days.

-- rec --

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Optimizing marine reserve design

Bruce Sawhill
Check out work on graph theory and spotted owl habitat by Tim Keitt
from the SFI preprint archive circa 1996, also.  The basic idea was to
figure out the most economical way to construct the giant component of
a graph connecting all the habitat zones of the owl by setting aside
the most critical pieces of habitat linking the graph.



On Friday, January 16, 2004, at 09:03 PM, Roger E Critchlow Jr wrote:

> Here are links to articles which came up in discussions today about
> helping negotiations along with computational support.
> The first (http://elf.org/pub/malakoff2002.pdf) is a news article
> talking about using combinatorial optimization to design marine
> reserves in Baja, the Bahamas, and the Great Barrier Reef.
> The second (http://elf.org/pub/sala2002.pdf) is a research article
> by the scientists designing the marine reserve in Baja.
> I'll leave the articles up for a few days.
> -- rec --
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