OLPC in Haiti

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OLPC in Haiti

Paul Paryski
I worked for the UN and other organizations in Haiti for many years and can  
testify that Haiti is the "perfect wave" of a failed or collapsed state and  
society.  As indicated violence and chaos come in waves in such  countries in
an emergent fashion; Haiti has been subject to such waves  since the mid 1980's
and the situation seemingly gets worse and worse.   Complexity tools such as
agent based models might help both the donor community  and the governments
(sic!) of such countries make better decisions about  policies and programs. The
failure of Haiti as a society and a state is the  direct result of negative
intervention from other countries, a plutocracy and  the negative lessons
learned by Haitians from there own chaotic and violent  history.
On the other hand, Haitians are remarkably adaptive to impossible  situations
and the scenarios suggested in the article will probably not happen;  life
will probably return to sub-normal in a matter of weeks.  So the OLPC  project
will undoubtedly continue.  One of my own projects for the UN in  Haiti was the
establishment of networks and the HT domain, which after many  setbacks
finally succeeded.
Paul Paryski

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