Newbie here

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Newbie here

Hi all! FRIAM mail list newbie here,

I have a bit of a challenge I've had placed on me one of my  
acquaintances. The long and short is she is trying to get some help  
for her father involving computers and what think is supposed to be a  
LAN. And apparently he's trying to get a some sort of web presence, I  
think she means he wants to start a web based business. It's hard to  
tell though we talked shortly on the phone before I needed to split  
so here is a clip from her e-mail word for word.

CLIP-(from the e-mail)

? help him pit up a new system, set up the security ( firewalls and  
all), his Vonage System, and get a domain.

Now their is a list of caveats: He is not particularly technically  
inclined. Last I heard he does know Windows better than MacOS, and  
Linux sound like a disease to him.
I guess what I'm driving at is how does one best go about helping  
someone with these kinds of complications.? I  ask because I don't  
know much about either setting up a e-business nor am I well versed  
on Vonage.
  In worlds of worlds I'd like to see him pop onto the friam list to  
articulate his issues: what he wants and hopes to achieve, what do  
other people think?

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Newbie here

Tom Johnson

And welcome.

Sounds like this might be a case for Yahoo's small business operation.

See <>

This can be used to register domains (quite cheaply), build
business-oriented web pages, accounts handling, etc. Actually, it's quite
impressive for a relatively low cost.


On 10/27/05, GD <gil at> wrote:

> ** Starting Oct 28, FRIAM is moving to
> ** Mission Cafe (previously Jane's)
> ** See <> for map
> ======================================
> Hi all! FRIAM mail list newbie here,
> I have a bit of a challenge I've had placed on me one of my
> acquaintances. The long and short is she is trying to get some help
> for her father involving computers and what think is supposed to be a
> LAN. And apparently he's trying to get a some sort of web presence, I
> think she means he wants to start a web based business. It's hard to
> tell though we talked shortly on the phone before I needed to split
> so here is a clip from her e-mail word for word.
> CLIP-(from the e-mail)
> ? help him pit up a new system, set up the security ( firewalls and
> all), his Vonage System, and get a domain.
> Now their is a list of caveats: He is not particularly technically
> inclined. Last I heard he does know Windows better than MacOS, and
> Linux sound like a disease to him.
> I guess what I'm driving at is how does one best go about helping
> someone with these kinds of complications.? I ask because I don't
> know much about either setting up a e-business nor am I well versed
> on Vonage.
> In worlds of worlds I'd like to see him pop onto the friam list to
> articulate his issues: what he wants and hopes to achieve, what do
> other people think?
> ============================================================
> FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
> Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at Mission Cafe
> Wed Lecture schedule, archives, unsubscribe, maps, etc. at

J. T. Johnson
Institute for Analytic Journalism <>
505.577.6482(c) 505.473.9646(h) tom at

"He who refuses to do arithmetic is doomed to talk nonsense."
-John McCarthy, Stanford University mathematician
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