Hi Nick. I have to say that the New Realism's definition of
consciousness appears to me to be nonsense. Few psychologists and/or
philosophers in recent times have adopted the radical idealism of
Bishop Berkeley, although it is, of course, not susceptible of
disproof, and Dr. Johnson's supposed refutation demonstrates nothing at
all. But in fact, the peculiar example of the searchlight and its
surroundings comes much closer to validating this idealism than to
supporting any variety of realism, since the objects revealed by the
searchlight would not have been revealed except for the searchlight,
and hence may be argued to exist in their peculiar configuration only
because of the searchlight. Without belaboring this point,
consciousness is essentially a condition of awareness. To suggest
that this awareness is ontologically contained in that of which one is
aware implies that the awareness would still be there even if the
conscious being (the awarerer??) were gone. It is questionable if
consciousness even requires an awareness of any specific existent
outside the conscious being. Some meditative states cast doubt on such
a necessity.
Best wishes