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New Mexican Article

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New Mexican Article

Nick Thompson
2732 posts

Did every one see the article in the New Mexican this morning about a new LANL think tank working on peace issues?  Are they wanting to engender contract research?  I confess I didn't understand it. I am I the last person to know about this?  What exactly is it that I am the last person to know about?


Nicholas S. Thompson
Professor of Psychology and Ethology
Clark University
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New Mexican Article

Owen Densmore
2679 posts
Here's the article:

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        -- Owen

Owen Densmore - http://backspaces.net - http://redfish.com -  
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On Apr 9, 2005, at 12:38 PM, Nicholas Thompson wrote:

> All?
> Did every one see the article in the New Mexican this morning about a  
> new LANL think tank working on peace issues?  Are they wanting to  
> engender contract research?  I confess I didn't understand it. I am I  
> the last person to know about this?  What exactly is it that I am the  
> last person to know about?
> Nick
> Nicholas S. Thompson
> Professor of Psychology and Ethology
> Clark University
> [hidden email]
> http://home.earthlink.net/~nickthompson/
> [hidden email]===================================================
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