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New Book: Exploring Discrete Dynamics by Andy Wuensche

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New Book: Exploring Discrete Dynamics by Andy Wuensche

Stephen Guerin
Andy Wuensche's new book is out. Check it out!

Congratulations, Andy!

Exploring Discrete Dynamics, is just published
and available on Amazon, BN, Google-books, etc.
Also at http://www.ddlab.org/ for the hyperref-pdf with colour figs,
and latest (open source/free) software.

from the back cover
EXPLORING DISCRETE DYNAMICS is a comprehensive guide to studying
cellular automata and discrete dynamical networks with the classic
software Discrete Dynamics Laboratory (DDLab), widely used in research
and education. These collective networks are at the core of complexity
and emergent self-organisation. With interactive graphics, DDLab is
able to explore a huge diversity of behaviour, mostly terra incognita
-- space-time patterns, and basins of attraction -- mathematical objects
representing the convergent flow in state-space. Applications range
within physics, mathematics, biology, cognition, society, economics
and computation, and more specifically in neural and genetic networks,
artificial life, and theories of memory.


"Andrew Wuensche has, in an important sense, done more than anyone to enable
the study of discrete dynamical systems such as cellular automata and random
Boolean nets. Wuensche derived the mathematical means to compute
the "predecessor" states that flow to a successor state. Thereby he opened
the door to study the entire state space flow of discrete dynamical systems.
DDLab is a marvellous and useful tool for all of us fascinated by discrete
dynamical systems and what they may tell us of mathematics and the world."
STUART KAUFFMAN, author of "The Origins of Order", MacArthur Fellow, FRSC,
University of Vermont, USA. Tampere University of Technology, Finland.

"There is a whole universe of complexity that is captured by discrete
dynamical systems, which have been widely used as a powerful framework to
understand reality from different perspectives. Exploring Discrete Dynamics
is a great example of how to dive in this neverending universe. A careful,
compelling and detailed presentation of examples and methods will help both
beginners and scholars to get into this fascinating field."
RICARD SOLE, Author of "Signs of Life", Complex Systems Lab, Universitat
Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona.

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