NRC survey on network sciecne

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NRC survey on network sciecne

Robert Holmes
hi all,

I received notification of this survey from an old friend and colleague Dr.
Massoud Amin (now a prof at U of Minnesota) - seems like the NRC are trying
to get a handle on what's happening in the world of Netwrok Science and are
soliciting input. Anyway, info and link to survey are below:

Date: 1/27/2005 14:51:30 -0600
From: Massoud Amin <[hidden email]>
To: Massoud Amin <[hidden email]>
Subject: NRC survey on network sciences
On behalf of our colleagues Dr. Will Leland and Prof. Richard Murray,
we are writing to ask for your input on a U.S. National Research Council
(NRC) study on "Network Science" that they are serving on. The goal of the
study is to describe the current state of the art in network science and
make recommendations that can be used to guide decisions about future
directions in this area within the federal government. The study has a
broad charter, including understanding the connections between power grid,
telecommunications, biological, social, financial and other network

The initial funding for this study comes from the Department of Defense,
but the National Research Council (as part of the independent National
Academies of Science) believes that the report will have a significant
impact on the entire field, so they are especially interested in obtaining
a wide range of views.

To help them understand the current research activity in the field, they
have put together a short web-based survey that they are asking network
science (and allied) researchers to fill out. The survey should only
take 10-15 minutes to complete and would be a great help in making sure
that the NRC Study Committee understands the current work that is going
on and some of the important research directions that should be pursued.

The survey is available at

We hope that you can help out on this study by taking the survey soon.

We also invite you to forward this invitation to other researchers
in network science and allied areas.

For further information, please contact

Will E. Leland, Chief Scientist
Network Systems Research Lab, Telcordia
[hidden email]

Richard M. Murray, Professor
Control and Dynamical Systems, Caltech
[hidden email]

I look forward to our future meetings and collaborations.

With appreciation,

Massoud Amin, D. Sc.
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Harold W. Sweatt Chair in Technological Leadership
Director, Center for the Development of Technological Leadership (CDTL)

University of Minnesota
1300 South Second Street, Suite 510
Minneapolis, MN 55454 USA
Phones: 612-625-0557 or 612-624-5747
Fax: 612-624-7510

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