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[NDhighlights] #3739 Tuesday 2009.12.08 Editor: Gloria Lee: video deep nonduality dialogue Francis Lucille & Ian McNay: Rich Murray 2009.12.09

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[NDhighlights] #3739 Tuesday 2009.12.08 Editor: Gloria Lee: video deep nonduality dialogue Francis Lucille & Ian McNay: Rich Murray 2009.12.09

Rich Murray
84 posts
[NDhighlights] #3739  Tuesday 2009.12.08 Editor: Gloria Lee: video deep
nonduality dialogue Francis Lucille & Ian McNay: Rich Murray 2009.12.09

Family and friends,  some of you will enjoy this.  Francis Lucille,
born in 1944, left a promising career in France as a theoretical
physicist to become a teacher of awareness,
and now lives with his wife in Temecula, California.

Enjoy, Rich

----- Original Message -----
From: Gloria Lee
Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2009 7:56 PM
Subject: [NDhighlights] #3739 - Tuesday, December 8, 2009 - Editor: Gloria

#3739 - Tuesday, December 8, 2009 - Editor: Gloria Lee

The Nonduality Highlights  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/NDhighlights

Video 45:47 minutes

Francis Lucille: Many Other Levels?

Last night, I once again watched the interview of Francis Lucille on
www.Conscious.tv with our friend, Ian McNay.
It is a most unusual interview in that it becomes quite awkward simply due
to its power, which lies beyond words.
Much to the chagrin of my teacher and friend, I have decided to post it here
in its entirety.
I  point to it as a pure demonstration of clarity and "reasonableness".
To this one, the perfume is undeniable.
It is a demonstration of an attempt to meet  in the moment as opposed to
speaking of what "we know" from the illusory past.
"It is the question that triggers the answer. If there is no urgency and
intensity in the question, the answer does not come.... I am not listening
to questions, I am listening to questions and I am listening to the
answers." Francis Lucille
Here it is:

http://networkedblogs.com/p20233096 by Christopher Hebard on Stillness

The monkey is reaching
For the moon in the water.
Until death overtakes him
He'll never give up.
If he'd let go the branch and
Disappear in the deep pool,
The whole world would shine
With dazzling pureness.


posted to Daily Dharma by Amrita Nadi

Photo by Alan Larus


"It is truth that frees, not your effort to be free."

J Krishnamurti

"By listening repeatedly to.. discourse...on (truth), the path to first hand
knowledge of what has been heard gradually opens out. It as when water
uninterruptedly dripping on a stone finally makes a hole in it, and a flood
may suddenly surge through..."

-Anandamayi Ma

posted by Christopher Hebard

My home was at Cold Mountain from the start,
Rambling among the hills, far from trouble.

Gone, and a million things leave no trace
Loosed, and it flows through galaxies
 A fountain of light, into the very mind -
Not a thing, and yet it appears before me:
Now I know the pearl of the Buddha nature
Know its use: a boundless perfect sphere.

When men see Han-shan
They all say he's crazy
And not much to look at -
Dressed in rags and hides.
They don't get what I say
And I don't talk their language.
All I can say to those I meet:
"Try and make it to Cold Mountain."

see with photos by Alan Larus

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get off the lifelong train of ordinary awareness: Rich Murray 2009.10.31

www.greatknowledge.org Candice O'Denver

http://tska.info/ "Time, Space, and Knowledge", Tarthang Tulku, Rinpoche

Both of these are Dzogchen traditions, the core experiential essence within
Buddhism -- the first practical and simple, the second profound and subtle.

superb translations from 650 AD on of core Dzogchen texts

The Nonduality Highlights  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/NDhighlights
The free daily mailings from NonDuality Salon include teachers ancient and
modern, articles, book reviews, poetry, and art.
They are all available on the group archives, 10 years, 1880 members.

Lively Communion: Invoking Mutual Meditative Exploration 2001.06.22

Rich Murray, MA
Boston University Graduate School 1967 psychology,
BS MIT 1964, history and physics,
1943 Otowi Road, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505
505-501-2298  [hidden email]


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