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More on "Detecting novel associations in large data sets | Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard"

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More on "Detecting novel associations in large data sets | Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard"

Tom Johnson
FYI, folks.  Apparently released only recently; I haven't done any test driving yet.

-tom johnson
Inst. for Analytic Journalism
Santa Fe, NM USA


MINE: Detecting novel associations in large data sets

Researchers from the Broad Institute and Harvard University are uncovering relationships in data from biology, baseball, and more using a new suite of statistical tools called MINE. Four of the paper's authors describe this new tool and its applications. Read more in a Broad press release or access the tool here.

The MINE application
The MINE application, which computes MIC as well as other statistics from the MINE family, can be downloaded in the following forms:

  • MINE.jar v1.0.1: Java executable jarfile. New version as of 12/31/2011.
  • MINE.r v1.0.1 (beta): R wrapper for MINE. New version as of 12/31/2011.

To learn how to use these files, see our usage instructions.

If you'd like to be notified of new versions, please join our (low-traffic) mailing list by sending an email to [hidden email] with 'subscribe' as the subject.


The MINE application is copyright 2011 by David Reshef and Yakir Reshef.

Creative Commons License

The MINE application is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. If you would like a license for commercial use, please contact us at [hidden email].

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