Model System?

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Model System?

Mike Oliker

Last night's Albuquerque Complexity Group meeting featured a lot of
exploration of models of social events like the growth of cities and the
spread and life cycle of technology.

We are looking for some model systems: akin to model organisms in biology
(E.coli bacterium, drosophila fly, etc. ).  These would
ideally be: systems where real data is publicly available, and which hold
some general interest as representative.  

One might be predicting the stock market -- does anyone know a good, free
source of stock market data?  Perhaps a game: man vs. machine could be a
model which generates its own data.  Perhaps it would be the solution of a
standard problem like the traveling salesman problem.  What are the most
fecund candidates?

-Mike Oliker

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Model System?

Tom Johnson

I don't have an answer to your question, but how can we find out more about
the meetings of the ABQ Complexity Group?


On 11/2/05, Mike Oliker <mike.oliker at> wrote:

> Last night's Albuquerque Complexity Group meeting featured a lot of
> exploration of models of social events like the growth of cities and the
> spread and life cycle of technology.
> We are looking for some model systems: akin to model organisms in biology
> (E.coli bacterium, drosophila fly, etc.
> ). These would
> ideally be: systems where real data is publicly available, and which hold
> some general interest as representative.
> One might be predicting the stock market -- does anyone know a good, free
> source of stock market data? Perhaps a game: man vs. machine could be a
> model which generates its own data. Perhaps it would be the solution of a
> standard problem like the traveling salesman problem. What are the most
> fecund candidates?
> -Mike Oliker
> ============================================================
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J. T. Johnson
Institute for Analytic Journalism <>
505.577.6482(c) 505.473.9646(h) tom at

"He who refuses to do arithmetic is doomed to talk nonsense."
-John McCarthy, Stanford University mathematician
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