Men in White: Armed and Extremely Dangerous

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Men in White: Armed and Extremely Dangerous

Cheryl Fillekes

The article that caused such controversy was
"Why the Future Doesn't Need Us."


(Though it's apparently water under the bridge by now,
for an academic or spook to accuse a relatively harmless
technology leader like Bill Joy of "elitism" is kind of
like a pit viper or coral snake accusing a copperhead of
"being venomous.")

pa mondag, 17 Okt Owen skrev:

> Bill finally gets some support:
> When Bill Joy wrote his first cautionary Wired article on possibly  
> restricting certain dangerous scientific information, he was roundly  
> attacked by the scientific community.  Freedom of speech, elitism,  
> and more was tossed glibly his way.  Ray Kurzweil was, believe it or  
> not, also one of those.
> It was so bad, that during the two day get-together at Stanford Dede  
> and I attended, hosted by Douglas Hofstadter, on the advances in  
> science (human/machine interaction I believe), the entire conference  
> decided to change its focus to frying Bill for his horrid outlook.
> Now the world has turned a couple of times and he's finally getting  
> heard.  Sweet!