Thanks Ray.
I have also been fighting this battle. When I arrived in Santa Fe in 2000
after years with the UN in Haiti fighting other battles, I realized that one
of the crucial issues here was assuring a sustainable supply of water, an
issue that is intrinsically linked to ecosystem and river health as well as
rational resource management.
One of the aspect of complexity and its tools, a conceptual perspective that
was new to me, that fascinates me is its application to resource management.
Given the growing demand for water, given the probability of decreased
supplies and drought, given climate change and growing pollution, rational
management of water resources must be an imperative and applied complexity can help.
Jared Diamond's Collapse addresses the subject why certain societies
collapse and others don't; usually it is related to adaptive capacity and
strategies. I shall read Barlow's book. ]
Vince Tidwell of Sandia is on the Gov's Blue Ribbon Water Task Force with
Let's discuss over coffee soon or perhaps at the Santa Fe Complex.
**************Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.
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