Mathematices in Biology from the AAAS

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Mathematices in Biology from the AAAS

Roger Critchlow-2
This week's issue of Science has a special online collection on
Mathematics in Biology which is free to any registered user, not
just subscribers, until March 12.  Here's the contents from Science
itself copied from where
you can find links to these articles and others.

-- rec --


Biology by the Numbers
G. Chin, R. Coontz, L. Helmuth

Life's Patterns: No Need to Spell It Out?
A. Cho

The New Math of Clinical Trials
J. Couzin

Making Sense of a Heart Gone Wild
D. Mackenzie


Introductory Science and Mathematics Education for 21st-Century
Biologists <>
W. Bialek and D. Botstein

Uses and Abuses of Mathematics in Biology
R. M. May

Evolutionary Dynamics of Biological Games
M. A. Nowak and K. Sigmund

Inferring Cellular Networks Using Probabilistic Graphical Models
N. Friedman