I found the TED talk on math education at http://www.ted.com/talks/conrad_wolfram_teaching_kids_real_math_with_computers.html very interesting. In summary,
this guy says that our math education is wrong. He defines
math broadly as the the process of (1) translating a problem to
a mathematical form;
(2) deciding what result is required mathematically; (3) doing
the computation;
and (4) interpreting the result. His point is that math
education focuses on
doing the computation by hand whilst that could be done very
easily by
computer. He reckons math education should focus on the points
1,2 & 4 and
let the computer do the computation. ============================================================ FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org |
This is a bit like the transition from Feynman
to Wolfram. Feynman was proud of his mental arithmetic, calculating sums of a series, square roots or cube roots manually (there is some information in "Surely your joking Mr. Feynman" about it). Wolfram thinks that these kind of stunts in mental arithmetic are not needed anymone, because computers can figure it out much better and faster. Stephen talks about Feynman here http://www.stephenwolfram.com/publications/recent/feynman/ In agriculture, the famers dug their fields over manually in former times. Today they use tractors and large machines to break up the soil. Computers are the tractors of mathematics. They can be used to do the hard, boring parts of the work. It is of course indispensable to know what you doing. -J. ----- Original Message ----- From: Pieter Steenekamp To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group Sent: Sunday, November 28, 2010 8:06 AM Subject: [FRIAM] Math education In summary, this guy says that our math education is wrong. He defines math broadly as the the process of (1) translating a problem to a mathematical form; (2) deciding what result is required mathematically; (3) doing the computation; and (4) interpreting the result. His point is that math education focuses on doing the computation by hand whilst that could be done very easily by computer. He reckons math education should focus on the points 1,2 & 4 and let the computer do the computation. ============================================================ FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org |
In reply to this post by Pieter Steenekamp
I approached this talk on Math Education as a skeptic –I have always thought that the idea of letting the computer do all the work sounds great but is flawed. Of course, I don’t like the idea of presenting math in the schools as mainly rules of calculation, but I feared that using calculators wouldn’t be much better. If a student is asked to find out how much it costs in all to buy a hammer for $23 and a pair of pliers for $17 and if he hits the multiply button instead of the add button will he realize that $391 is simply impossible? Most people with a traditional math education will realize this immediately (I hope) but if a person taught that numbers are nothing more than things that come out of a calculator might not see any problem with an answer of $391. The traditional approach does provide some intuition about numbers. Even worse, the student who pushes the wrong button and gets marked wrong, might see math as a boring subject where you have to be so very careful about pushing the right buttons. Not unlike the student who only learns meaningless rules of calculation who is bored by the need to be so very careful about using the rules precisely. I was somewhat relieved when I actually listened to the talk. He actually said that mental arithmetic could be useful and he outlined a bold approach to math that I would applaud. My fear remains that if his program were adopted, the ambitious parts of it, which I like, would only be given lip service, while the message would get through to the schools that math is the same except without the drudgery. On 11/28/10 2:06 AM, "Pieter Steenekamp" <pieters@...> wrote:
============================================================ FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org |
One of my most disappointing moments in life was when I'd spent
weeks tutoring a Vietnam Vet who realized after 4 years in college
that he didn't have the emotional temperament to be a teacher and
decided he did have the temperament/aptitude for Engineering. Uncle
Sugar bought him a nice big pile of books and a calculator and a
tutor (me).
I fired him after several weeks of his not being able to get past the idea that his brandy-new calculator was *right* and I was *wrong* when I did decimal arithmetic (divide by 100, multiply by 10, etc.) in my head and came up with different answers (my method didn't have roundoff errors, go figure!) from those displayed on the brightly glowing LED display of his $200 calculator. Sadly, I think he was like this *before* he want off to the jungles of SE Asia to play kill or be killed for 3 years. But the demands of the military machine, I don't think improved his ability to think for himself, even given the stakes often involved. I spent my career developing tools and techniques for using computers to aid our intuition, to help people understand the implications of their data and their theories more viscerally, in the pursuit of improving existing insight, gaining new insight and communicating that insight to peers and public alike. I don't doubt that demonstrations (whether pencil and paper, real-world physical setups, or computer simulations) are key to helping people learn. I think computers can be magnificent tools for leveraging and augmenting human cognition and understanding. But you just can't help those who are insistent on being dumb about how they use them. Thomas Friedman wrote an article in the NYT titled "Dumb as we Wanna Be"... about our blind self-destructive behaviour in the first 8 years of this new millenium (and beyond that in both directions, but acutely centered around that rather unfortunately acute period)... and I guess I feel the same way about people who simply *won't* approach problem solving intuitively. I *do* correct clerks who punch the wrong numbers into their cash registers and try to give me back more change than the original bill tendered, but I suppose if it weren't for my Calvanist ethics, I'd happily pocket the profits and cackle at the irony of it. Before the industrial revolution, I'm not sure we had any choice BUT to do *everything* with our own intuition and the extended intuition of the work animals (hunting, herding dogs, draft animals, etc.) we lived in intimate contact with and the tools we often built ourselves to provide various forms of leverage. Now, we live in intimate contact with mechanical tools usually not of our own making, and often made by tools made by tools that maybe someone made themselves. Even the pre-industrial technologists (craftsmen) had deep and intimate, intuitive relations with their tools... the smith's forge, anvil and hammer where her friends, the cobbler and her needles and lasts, the weaver and his loom, his spinning wheel, his combs. They lived, breathed and tasted their tools and materials. Programmers today (well, some today such as the many of those here who grew up barehanding machine code, implementing algorithms from first principles, extending the limited paradigms offered (say... procedural unto OO) to improve their intuition, their leverage) sometimes are as intuitive as the craftsmen of yore. Like the modern labor saving devices we can't imagine doing without, our computing tools are outrageously leveraged, to the point that they can obscure our intuition. How many of us use the compiler to find our errors rather than exercising the tiny bit of extra care it takes to get the syntax right the first time? How many of us don't just use debuggers and memory management tools to help us code, rather than help us troubleshoot the rare occasions when we make a misstep? I still heat and cook on a woodstove. I occasionally take out my two-man hand saw to cut down a tree, fire my forge with charcoal and coal to heat iron to white hot and beat it into useful shapes, or turn over my garden with a spade instead of my tractor... and sometimes I do arithmetic in my head or longhand or pull out my old slipstick and remind myself of the relations between logarithms and multiplication/division. I owe myself a 10 mile walk into Santa Fe (20 by highway!) some day soon... just to be reminded it can be done. Up hill both ways, in the snow! Many might think this quaint or luddite or Calvanist... and maybe it is all three... but for me, it is important to reground everything I do in a visceral, intuitive experience now and again. Formalisms (mathematical and computational) are incredibly leveraging and utilitarian, just like the black-box control system controlling the spark and fuel timing and mixtures into your car engine... just like the automatic washing machine that fills, sudses, drains, rinses, spins at the push of a button... But at some point, we need to get out and ambulate far enough to realize the car is just "convenient leverage", wash our own clothes by hand in a bucket or a river, do our own arithmetic, conjure, implement and evaluate our own algorithms... or else we will lose all connection with what we are doing, why we are doing it.
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On Dec 7, 2010, at 11:48 AM, Steve Smith wrote:
> I owe myself a 10 mile walk into Santa Fe (20 by highway!) some day > soon... just to be reminded it can be done. Up hill both ways, in > the snow! So much for math education. My shiny computer tells me it's 17.5 miles direct walk to SF_X, 22.9 miles by highway and 1,394 feet uphill. :-p Mr. Smith Goes to Santa Fe ============================================================ FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org |
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