London Times: World's 50 best universities

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London Times: World's 50 best universities

Randy Burge,,591-1343946,00.html

Britain wins eight places in world list of 50 best universities
By Tony Halpin

Times Online
November 04, 2004

OXFORD and Cambridge are among the world's top ten universities, according
to a new global ranking published today.

They were fifth and sixth respectively in the league table of the world's
200 best universities. Harvard, which boasts an endowment of nearly
$23billion (?12.7billion), was first in the list produced by The Times
Higher Education Supplement (THES).

American institutions occupied seven of the top ten places, with Oxbridge
the highest-ranked outside the United States...

...Cambridge, Massachusetts, however, can lay claim to being the world's
most intellectual city, as home to Harvard and to the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, which was ranked at No3.

California also scored highly, with the University of California, Berkeley,
in second place, the California Institute of Technology, fourth, and
Stanford seventh.

Tokyo University, in Japan, ranked at No12, was the highest-ranked
institution in Asia, followed by Beijing University at No17.

Australian universities featured particularly well. Six were among the top
50 in the World University Rankings, led by the Australian National
University in sixteenth place.

France, by contrast, managed just two universities in the top 50, with the
?cole Polytechnique in 27th place and ?cole Normale Sup?rieure 30th.
Heidelburg University, in 47th place, was Germany's only entry, one fewer
than Hong Kong...

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London Times: World's 50 best universities

Owen Densmore
What?! .. No New Mexico university?  .. oh well.

     -- Owen

Owen Densmore - -

On Dec 29, 2005, at 11:17 PM, Randy Burge wrote:

> Britain wins eight places in world list of 50 best universities
> By Tony Halpin
> Times Online
> November 04, 2004
> OXFORD and Cambridge are among the world's top ten universities,  
> according to a new global ranking published today.
> They were fifth and sixth respectively in the league table of the  
> world's 200 best universities. Harvard, which boasts an endowment  
> of nearly $23billion (?12.7billion), was first in the list produced  
> by The Times Higher Education Supplement (THES).
> American institutions occupied seven of the top ten places, with  
> Oxbridge the highest-ranked outside the United States...
> ...Cambridge, Massachusetts, however, can lay claim to being the  
> world's most intellectual city, as home to Harvard and to the  
> Massachusetts Institute of Technology, which was ranked at No3.
> California also scored highly, with the University of California,  
> Berkeley, in second place, the California Institute of Technology,  
> fourth, and Stanford seventh.
> Tokyo University, in Japan, ranked at No12, was the highest-ranked  
> institution in Asia, followed by Beijing University at No17.
> Australian universities featured particularly well. Six were among  
> the top 50 in the World University Rankings, led by the Australian  
> National University in sixteenth place.
> France, by contrast, managed just two universities in the top 50,  
> with the ?cole Polytechnique in 27th place and ?cole Normale  
> Sup?rieure 30th. Heidelburg University, in 47th place, was  
> Germany's only entry, one fewer than Hong Kong...
> Full List:
> ============================================================
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