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Lo Smart

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Lo Smart

Owen Densmore
I've mentioned to several folks about our third SunLabs JavaCar being  
built out of the Daimler Smart Car.  Its a way fun critter which,  
alas, is not easily gotten in the US.

Part of the nifty charm in Italy was the ability to park nose-in to  
the curb.  Another was one of the ways they were sold there .. by  
banks!  The banks would have a 4x4x6 cage next to their building.  
Folks go in and point at a car they want.  The lift whirs up and  
snatches the one you want and delivers it to you.  And you arrange  
your loan with the bank then and there!

Here's a picture:
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     -- Owen

Owen Densmore - http://backspaces.net - http://redfish.com - http://

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Lo Smart

Tim Densmore


A picture of Emmanuel's smart car he smuggled in from Canada.

Thank you,
Tim Densmore


If I have not seen as far as others, it is because giants were standing
on my shoulders.
-- Hal Abelson
On Aug 30, 2005, at 8:22 PM, Owen Densmore wrote:

> I've mentioned to several folks about our third SunLabs JavaCar being
> built out of the Daimler Smart Car.  Its a way fun critter which,
> alas, is not easily gotten in the US.
> Part of the nifty charm in Italy was the ability to park nose-in to
> the curb.  Another was one of the ways they were sold there .. by
> banks!  The banks would have a 4x4x6 cage next to their building.  
> Folks go in and point at a car they want.  The lift whirs up and
> snatches the one you want and delivers it to you.  And you arrange
> your loan with the bank then and there!
> Here's a picture:
> <smartville.jpg>
>     -- Owen
> Owen Densmore - http://backspaces.net - http://redfish.com -
> http://friam.org
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