Maybe it's some subtle leftover from harvest season ... when you reap what you've sown, feast a little, and pack the rest away for the winter?
On 10/04/2017 07:07 AM, Gillian Densmore wrote:
> Just some light hearted question I thought of I simply don't know a answer:
> What is it about october to march that encourages (more?) people to be lighthearted and have yen to sing and eat and show a more goofy side?
> While do tachi this morning: father woodpecker was looking for food for mom..Why do woodpookers hunt for worms or what ever they eat in treas?
> And something about the air was just clear enough for the sun to do a pretty thing with what ever buildings are so they had a kind of white. glow thing going brefiely so as for just a moment or so sun shafts in the clouds were visible. A pretty mystery from nature.
> Is that the similler to sunbeams where when dust gets lit just right it looks like a pretty sun beam?
> (This is gil and for some reason I think of these things in the morning)
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