Lewis Larsen, weak force LENR for Gold from Tungsten, 2012.05.19 slides 33-39 of 66, text only: Rich Murray 2012.05.24

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Lewis Larsen, weak force LENR for Gold from Tungsten, 2012.05.19 slides 33-39 of 66, text only: Rich Murray 2012.05.24

Rich Murray-2
Lewis Larsen, weak force LENR for Gold from Tungsten, 2012.05.19
slides 33-39 of 66, text only: Rich Murray 2012.05.24


33. Commercializing a next-generation source of valuable stable elements
Lattice Energy LLC

Cirillo & Iorio also produced Gold from Tungsten ca. 2004

Modern Italian work is ~theoretically equivalent to Nagaoka’s Electric
discharge with 74W180-186 cathode in alkaline H2O instead of CnH2n+2 +

 Unaware of Nagaoka’s much earlier work, ca. 2003 - 2004 D. Cirillo
and E. Iorio in Italy inadvertently designed and constructed an LENR
experimental system involving electric discharges and Tungsten
electrodes that, from a WLT perspective, was ~theoretically equivalent
to Nagaoka’s 1920s experimental set-up;

they subsequently observed and reported transmutation products that
were consistent with Nagaoka's results reported in Nature and
operation of the 74W180-seed transmutation network that is described

 Cirillo & Iorio’s modern set-up utilized an “aqueous electrolyte
plasma glow-discharge cell”

 From an abstract broad-brush theoretical viewpoint, main differences
between their new experimental system and Nagaoka’s set-up of 80 years
earlier was that:

(1) in Cirillo & Iorio’s experiments the protons needed to produce
LENR neutrons came from hydrogen atoms in water (H2O) instead of in
transformer oil (CnH2n+2);

and (2) no Mercury (Hg) was initially present in their system, so
80Hg196 + n → 80Hg197 → 79Au197 electron-capture reaction can clearly
be excluded as potential source of surface Gold they observed with

 In a section following this one, we will speculatively discuss
intriguing experimental evidence that certain bacteria could be
involved with 74W180-seed network out in Nature

May 19, 2012 Copyright 2012, Lattice Energy LLC All Rights Reserved 33

34. Commercializing a next-generation source of valuable stable elements
Lattice Energy LLC

Cirillo & Iorio also produced Gold from Tungsten ca. 2004

Schematic overview of Cirillo & Iorio’s LENR experimental apparatus
[ Source of Graphic: Nature, 445, January 4, 2007 ]

Comment: this LENR experiment involves formation of a dense plasma in
a double-layer confined to the  surface of Tungsten (W) cathode (-) by
a  liquid electrolyte

Comment on their experimental data:

Unbeknownst to the experimenters, they may have had either Barium (Ba)
titanate and/or Dysprosium (Dy) as component(s) in the composition of
the dielectric ceramic sleeve that was partially covering the cathode
immersed in the electrolyte;

Ba and/or Dy are commonly present in such ceramics.

Under the stated experimental conditions, Ba and Dy could easily
'leach-out' from the _ + surface of the ceramic into the electrolyte,
creating yet another 'target' element that could migrate onto the
surface of their Tungsten (W) cathode.

Since none of the potential intermediate transmutation products such
as Nd (Neodymium), Sm (Samarium), and Gd (Gadolinium) were observed,

it is possible that there may have been LENR ULM neutron captures starting with

Dy → Er (Erbium) → Tm (Thulium) → Yb (Ytterbium),

LENR transmutation products that were also observed in these experiments

May 19, 2012 Copyright 2012, Lattice Energy LLC All Rights Reserved 34

35. Commercializing a next-generation source of valuable stable
elements Lattice Energy LLC

Cirillo & Iorio also produced Gold from Tungsten ca. 2004

Used SEM-EDX to detect intermediate products of 74W180-seed network

Paper (conference presentation - not peer- reviewed)
 D. Cirillo and V. Iorio,
“Transmutation of metal at  low energy in a confined plasma in water"
 pp. 492-504 in “Condensed Matter Nuclear Science
 – Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Cold Fusion,”
J-P. Biberian, ed.
 World Scientific (2006)
Free copy of paper available at:


 Quoting: “… electrodes are cylindrical rods with a: diameter of 2.45
mm, and a length of 17.5 cm … both are  made of pure Tungsten [W] …

cathode is partially covered with a ceramic sleeve, which allows …

control [of] the dimensions of … exposed cathode surface submerged in
… solution.”

 In their experiments, Rhenium (Re), Osmium (Os), and Gold (Au) were
observed post-experimentally as nuclear transmutation products on the
Tungsten (W) cathode surface;

other LENR transmutation products were also observed
(please see our Comment on previous Slide)

 According to WLT, operation of the 74W180-seed LENR transmutation
network could in theory produce a  nucleosynthetic pathway of

W → Re → Os → Ir → Pt → Au  ;

in fact, Re, Os, and Au were claimed to have been observed by Cirillo
& Iorio in these modern experiments

  Theoretically similar to Nagaoka’s experiments in 1920s:

 LENR transmutation products were observed, Gold (Au) in particular,
that can be explained with neutron captures were shown and beta-
decays beginning with Tungsten (W) as a ‘seed’


"Energetic emissions have been observed from an  electrolytic cell
when tungsten [W] electrodes are  used to generate a confined plasma
close to the cathode immersed an in an alkaline solution.

In addition, energy generation has been observed, always  close to the
cathode, along with the  appearance  of new chemical elements in the
experimental apparatus.

These elements were not present in the cell before the experiment.

This observation is proof of nuclear transmutations occurring  within the cell.

The results of this research and a theoretical model of the phenomenon
 for the first time on April 18, 2004 during the second Grottammare
(Ap) ONNE meeting in Italy.”

May 19, 2012 Copyright 2012, Lattice Energy LLC All Rights Reserved 35

36. Commercializing a next-generation source of valuable stable elements
Lattice Energy LLC

Cirillo & Iorio also produced Gold from Tungsten ca. 2004

[ 6 figures, photos, and graphs ]

May 19, 2012 Copyright 2012, Lattice Energy LLC All Rights Reserved 36

37. Commercializing a next-generation source of valuable stable elements
Lattice Energy LLC

New 2010-11 experiments and reports by Cirillo et al.

Same experimental set-up:

first-ever indirect detection of ULM neutrons

“Experimental Evidence of a Neutron Flux Generation in a Plasma
Discharge Electrolytic Cell”
D. Cirillo, R. Germano, V. Tontodonato, A. Widom, Y.N. Srivastava, E.
Del Giudice, and G. Vitiello
Key Engineering Materials 495 pp. 104 - 107 (2012)
( $US 28 if purchased online)



“A substantial neutron flux generated by plasma excitation at the
tungsten cathode of an electrolytic cell with alkaline solution is
A method based on a CR-39 nuclear track detector coupled to a boron
converter was used to detect the neutrons.
This method is insensitive to the strong plasma-generated
electromagnetic noise that made inconclusive all the previous attempts
to identify neutrons in electrolytic plasma environment by means of
electric detection techniques.”

“Water Plasma Modes and Nuclear Transmutations on the Metallic Cathode
of a Plasma Discharge Electrolytic Cell”
D. Cirillo, E. Del Giudice, R. Germano, S. Sivasubrammanian, Y.N.
Srivastava, V. Tontodonato, G. Vitiello and A. Widom
Key Engineering Materials 495 pp. 124 - 128 (2012)
( $US 28 if purchased online)



“In the conceptual framework of Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) it has
been proven that liquid water is made up of two phases:

1) a coherent phase where the electron cloud of water molecules
oscillates in phase with a trapped electromagnetic field within
extended regions, called Coherence Domains (CD);

2) a non coherent phase formed by a gas-like ensemble of molecules
filling the interstices among the CDs.

The constituent molecules of the coherent phase oscillate between
their individual ground state and an excited state where one electron
is so loosely bound to be considered quasi-free.

Therefore the coherent phase contains a plasma of quasi-free electrons.

In the bulk water, as in the case of superfluid liquid Helium, each
molecule crosses over continuously between the two phases.

On the contrary, close to the surface of a metallic cathode in a
chemical cell , the attraction between molecules and wall stabilizes
the coherent phases so that the layer of interfacial water is mainly
coherent and capable of holding a negative electronic charge.

When the chemical cell voltage exceeds a threshold, an interfacial
water-cathode metal surface plasma mode is developed.

From the collective energies continuously pumped into the plasma, the
weak interaction e*- + p+ → n + νe may be induced which produces
neutrons and neutrinos from Hydrogen atoms.

The neutrons may then ultimately induce other nuclear transmutations
on the cathode metal surface.”

May 19, 2012 Copyright 2012, Lattice Energy LLC All Rights Reserved 37

38. Commercializing a next-generation source of valuable stable
elements Lattice Energy LLC

LENR networks occur in variety of different environments

Large numbers of isotopic anomalies reported;
what is causing them?

 Herein, in previous slides we have discussed an example of a
74W180-seed LENR neutron-catalyzed transmutation network that can
start with Tungsten or Tantalum ‘seeds’ and potentially produce stable
or unstable Rhenium (Re), Osmium (Os), Iridium (Ir), Platinum (Pt),
Gold (Au), Mercury (Hg), Thallium (Tl), Lead (Pb), and even Bismuth
(Bi) isotopes as network products

 Furthermore, in an array of different publications, Lattice has
cited and discussed numerous examples of published experimental data
that provides strong evidence that LENRs may be widespread in Nature,
allowing dynamic nuclear transmutation processes to occur in many
different types of ‘milder’ environments besides just the hot cores of
stars, detonations of nuclear weapons, and fission reactors

 Types of varied environments in which LENRs can potentially occur
under exactly the right set of conditions include, among many other
electrolytic chemical cells;
pyrolysis processes involving carbon-ring compounds;
catalytic converters of cars and trucks;
electric current-driven exploding wires;
atmospheric lightning;
in stellar atmospheres and magnetic flux tubes of stars;
during catastrophic fracturing of crustal rocks containing
piezoelectric minerals;
and last but perhaps not least, maybe during the metabolic and
biosynthetic activities of certain bacteria and some fungi

May 19, 2012 Copyright 2012, Lattice Energy LLC All Rights Reserved 38

39. Commercializing a next-generation source of valuable stable
elements Lattice Energy LLC

LENR networks occur in variety of different environments

Absence of strong radiation ‘signatures’ renders them unnoticeable

 Unlike fission and fusion reactions, naturally occurring LENR
transmutation processes in condensed matter are biologically benign
because they make extensive use of and are enabled by many-body
collective effects, quantum phenomena, and the weak interaction.

As a result, they typically do not emit dangerous ‘hard’ gamma photon
or neutron radiation, nor do they produce large amounts of long-lived
radioactive isotopes.

LENRs are clean, ‘green,’ ubiquitous, and hidden in plain sight; best
way to detect results of such processes are various types of sensitive
mass spectroscopy

 In a recent Lattice PowerPoint presentation

( http://www.slideshare.net/lewisglarsen/lattice-
 ), on Slide #68 we stated that,

“Recently, greatly increased use of various types of mass spectroscopy
by geochemists, microbiologists, and environmental scientists has
revealed that the long standing assumption of effective natural
uniformity of U238/U235 ratios across the earth is clearly erroneous;

importantly, present-era abiological and/or biologically mediated
processes appear to be responsible for such anomalous variances.”

We concluded that key remaining questions were whether, “ ...
anomalous variances in such isotopic ratios the result of purely
chemical ‘fractionation’ process or processes of some sort, and/or
could they [alternatively] be caused by low energy nuclear reactions
(LENRs), either abiologically or somehow induced by the actions of
bacteria through some yet to be clarified mechanism?”

Additional research is obviously needed

May 19, 2012 Copyright 2012, Lattice Energy LLC All Rights Reserved 39

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