Lewis Larsen, Allan Widom vision -- QM ball of surface electron
plasmons couple with lattice nuclei as very slow massive "neutrons", initiating a beta decay chain with output energy --just crazy enough to be right?: Rich Murray 2013.03.18 http://rmforall.blogspot.com/2013/03/lewis-larsen-allan-widom-vision-qm-ball.html http://www.slideshare.net/lewisglarsen/lattice-energy-llcfurther-technical-details-re-gamma-shielding-mechanism-in-condensed-matter-lenrsmarch-17-2013?utm_source=slideshow&utm_medium=ssemail&utm_campaign=upload_digest SlideShare Lattice Energy LLC, Copyright 2013 All rights reserved March 17, 2013 Lattice Energy LLC-Further Technical Details re Gamma Shielding Mechanism in Condensed Matter LENRs -- March 17 2013 by Lewis Larsen on Mar 17, 2013 86 views More details will now be provided about the Widom-Larsen theory’s concept of a built-in gamma ‘shielding’ mechanism that we believe occurs at LENR-active sites in condensed matter systems. No comments yet Subscribe to comments Lattice Energy LLC-Further Technical Details re Gamma Shielding Mechanism in Condensed Matter LENRs -- March 17 2013 Document Transcript 1. Further details on Widom-Larsen gamma shielding mechanism Lattice Energy LLC Chicago, IL Further technical details about W-L gamma ‘shielding’ mechanism in condensed matter LENRs More details will now be provided about the Widom-Larsen theory’s concept of a built-in gamma ‘shielding’ mechanism that we believe occurs at LENR-active sites in condensed matter systems. What is referred to as ‘shielding’ in this context is really a dynamic process of absorption and direct conversion of locally emitted gammas into many more less energetic infrared photons (has tiny, highly variable soft X-ray ‘tail’) at high efficiency while, of course, obeying the law of conservation of energy. Importantly, ALL of the many-body particles found within a condensed matter 2 nm to 100 micron 3-D LENR-active ‘patch’ (in which there is also a total breakdown of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation) — surface plasmon or π electrons; protons or deuterons; produced ULM neutrons — oscillate collectively and — key point — are mutually quantum mechanically entangled with each other. This unique characteristic of LENR-active surface sites is explained in great detail in several Lattice SlideShare presentations; the existence of this Q-M phenomenon is well-supported by recently published, outstanding work by other researchers who operate totally outside the field of LENRs. Because of the above, when an ULM neutron is created collectively, its 3-D DeBroglie wave function must perforce span all three spatial dimensions of the particular LENR-active patch in which it is‘born’. During a brief interval of several picoseconds before such a neutron is locally captured by some atom located with the (we think) oblate spheroidal spatial boundaries of the neutron’s extended DeBroglie wave function within a many-body ‘patch’, it is interacting with MANY different atoms that ‘compete’ amongst each other to capture it (has a many-body scattering cross-section, NOT 2-body). Note that only a modest percentage of the total number of mass-renormalized electrons located withinthe 3-D spatial Q-M domain of an LENR-active patch will have absorbed enough energy from the very high (> 2 x 10*11 V/m) local electric field to cross the threshold for making ULM neutrons by a direct e+ p electroweak reaction. Most of the heavier than normal electrons are locally present but unreacted. When an ULM neutron captures onto an atom located inside the entangled 3-D Q-M domain of an LENR-active patch, there is normally a prompt gamma photon emission by that atom. Well, remember that the DeBroglie wave functions of the entangled, mass-renormalized ‘heavy’ electrons are also 3-D, NOT 2-D. Since the neutron capture gamma photon emission occurs INSIDE the 3-D quantum mechanical structure of a 3-D LENR-active ‘patch’, there are always heavy electrons available nearby to absorb such gamma emissions and convert them directly into infrared photons. Ergo, it doesn’t matter where a gamma emission occurs inside a given 3-D patch, it will always get converted to IR, which is exactly what has been observed experimentally. You will not observe large fluxes of ‘hard’ gammas emitted from such a 3-D patch, no matter which x-y-z direction they are measured from. The above ‘shielding’ also applies to any gammas that might be produced in conjunction with beta-decays of unstable, extremely neutron-rich isotopes that are briefly present in LENR-active patches before they ‘die.’ The vast majority of these very short-lived intermediate nuclear products will have disappeared in serial cascades of beta-decay chains into end-product stable isotopes/elements before the dynamic local population of heavy-mass electrons goes completely away. Again, this prediction is very consistent with what is seen experimentally: with mass spectroscopy, post-experiment you can observe the presence of stable transmutation products in which prompt capture gammas were undoubtedly produced along the likely nucleosynthetic pathway, but no ‘hard’ gamma fluxes can ever be measured during the process of LENR transmutation itself. Ergo, the gammas were converted to something else --- namely infrared (IR) photons that are manifested calorimetrically as ‘excess heat’. 2. Further details on Widom-Larsen gamma shielding mechanism The oft-mentioned idea of taking an operating, current-technology LENR device and looking for measurable attenuation of a standard gamma photon source (e.g., Cobalt-60) passing through it would not work because present LENR devices have only a tiny fraction (<<<1%) of a device’s surface that might be LENR-active at any given time. We have already spoken with people who are experts on low-count gamma measurements and they think that the signal-to-noise ratio in such a case would be too low for this to be a meaningful, direct experimental test of gamma suppression. BTW -- this typically minuscule % of LENR-active surface is exactly why measurable excess heat production in today’s devices is usually very modest and only occurs rarely --- e.g., in ‘successful’experiments it commonly amounts to just milliwatts to perhaps a Watt or so for a while before stopping. Recent claims by one company that it has achieved reliable, long duration, consistently repeatable Megawatt heat production from an LENR thermal system are most likely quite erroneous. Substantially increasing the % and longevity of LENR-active surface area is one of several key technological hurdles that must be surmounted to successfully commercialize LENRs for power generation applications. We now believe Lattice has indeed finally developed key technical knowledge that is required to begin an LENR device engineering program aimed at building well-performing commercial prototypes with fully predictable, controllable heat output. In that regard, we are presently looking for the capital needed to fund that program. Obviously, we have no intention of releasing any of that extraordinarily valuable engineering-related information publicly in any venue. It is also important to note that ULM neutrons are captured locally inside the spatial domain of an LENR-active patch long before they have enough time to kinetically thermalize, which takes 0.1 to 0.2 milliseconds. Local capture is exactly why significant energetic neutron emissions are so rare in LENR condensed matter systems; it is one of several ‘signature’ characteristics of ‘green’ LENR processes. Lastly, Lattice also has a fundamental issued US patent on its gamma shielding art as follows:US #7,893,414 B2 titled, ”Apparatus and Method for Absorption of Incident Gamma Radiation and its Conversion to Outgoing Radiation at Less Penetrating, Lower Energies and Frequencies” Inventors: Lewis Larsen and Allan Widom Issued: February 22, 2011 Assignee: Lattice Energy LLC Clean copy at: http://www.slideshare.net/lewisglarsen/us-patent-7893414-b2 Abstract:“Gamma radiation (22) is shielded by producing a region of heavy electrons (4) and receiving incident gamma radiation in such region. The heavy electrons absorb energy from the gamma radiation and re-radiate it as photons (38, 40) at a lower energy and frequency. The heavy electrons may be produced in surface plasmon polaritons. Multiple regions (6) of collectively oscillating protons or deuterons with associated heavy electrons may be provided. Nanoparticles of a target material on a metallic surface capable of supporting surface plasmons may be provided. The region of heavy electrons is associated with that metallic surface. The method induces a breakdown in a Born-Oppenheimer approximation. Apparatus and method are described. ”Summary: Gamma ‘shielding’ mechanism of the Widom-Larsen theory provides a plausible explanation for ‘signature’ absence of ‘hard’ >1 MeV gamma emissions from ‘green’ condensed matter LENRs. Lewis Larsen, President and CEOLattice Energy LLC, Copyright 2013 All rights reserved March 17, 2013 More Srivastava Widom and Larsen-Primer for Electroweak Induced Low Energy Nuclear Re…59 views Widom and Larsen ULM Neutron Catalyzed LENRs on Metallic Hydride Surfaces-EPJC M…51 views Lattice Energy LLC-Are LENRs Occurring in Compact Fluorescent Lights-March 7 201…646 views Microscopic Dendrites Focus in Boeing Dreamliner Probe - Wall Street Journal-Feb…1135 views Lattice Energy LLC- Field Failures and LENRs in Lithium-based Batteries-Jan 23 2…2170 views Lattice Energy LLC- LENR Transmutation Networks Can Produce Gold-Dec 7 20124445 views Larsen L-ANS Winter Meeting San Diego CA - 0415-0417 - Nov 2012352 views Lattice Energy LLC-Observed Variations in Rates of Nuclear Decay-Nov 23 2012692 views Lattice Energy LLC-Index to Documents re Widom-Larsen Theory of LENRS-Nov 21 201…581 views Lattice Energy LLC-One Page Overview-ANS-LENR Neutrons in Lightning-Nov 20 2012286 views AUDIO- Larsen-Electroweak Neutron Production and Capture in Lightning Discharges…6021 views Larsen Electroweak Neutron Production and Capture in Lightning Discharges-ANS Me…1483 views Lattice Energy LLC- Song for those who believe collective many body effects can …405 views Lattice Energy LLC- Response to Sept 2012 Univ of Rome arXiv Preprint-Oct 30 201…2893 views Lattice Energy LLC- Article re Widom-Larsen LENR Theory in Nov 2012 Discover Mag…1422 views Lattice Energy LLC-High-temperature Superconductivity in Patches-Addendum-Sep 11…585 views Lattice Energy LLC- High-temperature Superconductivity in Patches-Aug 23 2012906 views Lattice Energy LLC- Report Reveals Boeing and NASA Investigating LENR-powered Ai…667 views Lattice Energy LL-Larsen Webradio Interview with Sandy Andrew-July 11 2012760 views Lattice Energy LLC-LENRs on Hydrogenated Fullerenes and Graphene-July 6 20121902 views Lattice Energy LLC- Electroweak Neutron Production and Capture During Lightning …726 views Lattice Energy LLC-Comment re 1927 Caltech Electric Arc Transmutation Experiment…502 views Lattice Energy LLC-Addendum to May 19 2012 Technical Overview-1927 Caltech Exper…932 views Lattice Energy LLC- LENR Transmutation Networks can Produce Gold-May 19 20125990 views Lattice Energy LLC-New Data Support Idea of Decelerating Population Growth-April…1070 views Lewis Larsen-Forecasting Track Record re 1980s Barrons Articles by Jon Laing-Apr…543 views Lattice Energy LLC- Macroeconomics Technology and Long Sweep of History-April 1…1134 views Lattice Energy LLC-New Data on Terrestrial Uranium 238U-235U Ratios Confirm not …839 views Lattice Energy LLC-New Russian Data Supports WLT Neutron Production in Lightning…1679 views Lattice Energy LLC-Coal as a CLENR CO2 Emissionless Fuel-March 21 20121150 views Lattice Energy LLC-Addendum Part1 to UFOs in LHC-March 13 2012525 views Lattice Energy LLC-Addendum Part2 to UFOs in LHC-March 13 2012646 views Lattice Energy LLC-Many LENR Paths May Produce He-4-March 03 2012912 views Lattice Energy LLC-300 Nanoseconds in Life of an LENR-active Patch-Feb 29 20121170 views Lattice Energy LLC-LENRs from 1900s to 1989 to Today and Beyond-Feb 21 2012615 views Guide to Concepts-Experimental Evidence for W-L Theory of LENRs-Feb 17 20121207 views Lattice Energy LLC-Synopses of Selected WLT Technical Papers-Jan 30 20121042 views Lattice Energy LLC- Tin Whisker Shorting Problems Analogous to Li-ion Batteries-…715 views LENR Theory-Fleischmann et al-Nuovo Cimento 1994783 views Lattice Energy LLC- Collective Many-body Q-M Neutrino Antennas-Jan 10 20121096 views © 2013 SlideShare Inc. All rights reserved.RSS Feed ENGLISH reactive gas micro and nano bubbles complicate Widom-Larsen theory re electrolytic cells -- metal isotope anomalies in 'water tree' corrosion of power cable polyethylene insulation, T Kumazawa et al 2005 -- 2008 Japan: Rich Murray 2011.06.02 http://rmforall.blogspot.com/2011/06/reactive-gas-micro-and-nano-bubbles.html http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/astrodeep/message/85 [ selection ] http://newenergytimes.com/v2/sr/WL/slides/2010July16LatticeEnergySlides.pdf #8 - July 16, 2010 - 68 pages Low Energy Neutron Reactions (LENRs) in Advanced Batteries and Other Condensed Matter Environments. Li-Ion Battery Fires. Early LENR transmutation experimentsin 1920s. High-current exploding wires. slide 50 Unexpected degradation/failure of underground power cables During the mid-1960s, a number of different electrical equipment manufacturers developed technology for producing durable underground AC or DC (copper or aluminum as the conductor) power cables carrying up to 450 kV using cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) that replaced layers of paper-oil for insulation. When widespread global deployment of such power cables began in the mid-1970s, it was widely believed they might enjoy trouble-free in-ground lifetimes of at least 40 - 50 years before experiencing significant rates of failure. Much to everyone's surprise, unexpectedly high rates of premature cable failures began to appear worldwide by the mid-1980s. This is can be an expensive problem for utilities with large deployments of underground cable within their grids, particularly in case of high-current, high voltage underground cables (up to 450 kV) used in many countries such as Japan. Unexpected service disruptions and expenses associated with digging-up and repairing failed high-capacity underground power cables is an issue for many electric utilities scattered around the world. After extensive analysis, it was determined that a significant number of such cable failures were caused by structural 'defects' that 'grew' over time in XPLE sheathing after in-ground installation. Such defects came to be known in the electric utility business as "water trees." These so-called water (or electrochemical) trees are complex, branching 3-D dendritic structures that grow outward from conductor-XLPE interfaces in hydrophobic polymers in the presence of electric fields and water. Evidence indicates that in damaged regions of XLPE sheaths, water trees consist of random 'tracks' of oxidized polymer that interconnect a series of microvoids. The greater the density of such microvoids in XLPE sheathing, the greater the likelihood that water trees, once formed, will continue to grow and connect, eventually causing significant degradation of XLPE insulation's effectiveness and eventually, potentially catastrophic cable failure. Until very recently, specifics of the conditions under which water trees form and grow in XLPE cables, as well as the physico-chemical mechanisms underlying such phenomena, were something of a mystery. Early work on failed cables determined that a variety of different anomalous 'contaminants' were present in and around water trees. This was initially thought to result from problems with either quality control in the XLPE chemical manufacturing process and/or in the bonding chemistry at the interface between the XLPE and the metallic conductive cable (copper or aluminum). Oddly, additional study appeared to rule-out those possibilities as the source of the anomalous 'contaminants' associated with water trees. Further investigation over the past 5 years now suggests that 'contaminants' in water trees were not present anywhere in the cables prior to being buried underground and used to carry electric power. In 2005 and 2008, Kumazawa et al. of Chubu Electric Power Co., Tatsuta Electric Wire & Cable Co., Ltd., and Osaka Prefecture University reported experimental detection of nuclear transmutation products in water trees in excellent papers published in the refereed Wiley InterScience journal, Electrical Engineering in Japan. "...Furthermore, the isotopic content of Zn deviated over 6% from natural abundance. These results suggest that water tree propagation is related to unknown physical or electrochemical reactions." slide 51 Important Japanese experiments help unravel mystery - 1 Reference: T. Kumazawa 1, W. Nakagawa 2, and H. Tsurumaru 2, "A Study on Behavior of Inorganic Impurities in Water Tree," Electrical Engineering in Japan 153, No. 2, 2005 Translated from Denki Gakkai Ronbunshi, Vol. 124-A, No. 9, September 2004, pp. 827-836 1 Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc., Japan 2 Tatsuta Electric Wire & Cable Co., Ltd., Japan Abstract: "It is well known that water tree propagation in XLPE cable is significantly influenced by inorganic impurities in water. Therefore, we investigated both changes in concentration and deviation of isotopic content of inorganic elements in XLPE samples by water tree experiments in a clean [room] environment. The concentration of several kinds of elements (e.g., Li, Na, Mg, Al, K, Ca, Fe, Ni, Pb, and Bi) in water-tree sample showed anomalous increase or decrease dependent on cation (K+, Na+, or Ag+) in water solution compared with blank or original samples. Furthermore, the isotopic content of Zn deviated over 6% from natural abundance. These results suggest that water tree propagation is related to unknown physical or electrochemical reactions." 'Clean room' - sample contamination not a significant issue: Please note that Kumazawa et al.'s carefully controlled laboratory experiments with 'water trees' described in this reference were conducted under rigorous electronic 'clean room' conditions, so contamination from outside sources is not a problematic issue in their mass spectroscopy measurements, that is, their detection of LENR nuclear transmutation products in and around the "water trees" growing inside the XLPE power cable insulation in their experiments. Quoting directly from their 2005 paper: "Various models have been proposed regarding the mechanism by which water trees, an important form of deterioration in XLPE cable, are created and propagated. Initially, theories which modeled the physical breakdown mechanism of XLPE (cross-linked polyethylene) based on Maxwell stress and dielectrophoresis in the concentric field were frequently seen. ... On the other hand, because no general correlation has been seen between the development of water trees and oxidation products, there have also been reports suggesting an unknown chemical reaction that XLPE, oxygen, or ions participate in. Given this background, the authors attempted to discover experimentally whether or not an unknown breakdown mechanism could exist separate from conventional ideas. The focus of this attempt is impurities frequently detected in regions with water tree deterioration. In particular, inorganic elements (metallic ions) are known to participate significantly in the occurrence and development of water trees. This is thought to suggest that an important message for understanding the key to this mechanism is hidden in these 'traces.' Thus, the authors generate water trees in XLPE samples in as clean an environment as possible, and then explore in detail the concentration of inorganic elements and the changes to their isotopic content present in the samples... the authors discuss the source and features of these variable elements." self-organizing networks can develop simple test kits for metal isotope anomalies in 'water tree' corrosion of thin polyethylene films, re T Kumazawa 2005 -- 2008 Japan: Rich Murray 2011.06.03 http://rmforall.blogspot.com/2011/06/self-organizing-networks-can-develop.html http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/astrodeep/message/86 Rich Murray, MA Boston University Graduate School 1967 psychology, BS MIT 1964 history and physics, 254-A Donax Avenue, Imperial Beach, CA 91932-1918 [hidden email] 505-819-7388 cell 619-623-3468 home http://rmforall.blogspot.com ============================================================ FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College to unsubscribe http://redfish.com/mailman/listinfo/friam_redfish.com |
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