** Note day and time **
** Tuesday, 1:30p **
SPEAKER: Dr. Fabio Carrera
Visiting Lecturer - MIT Urban Information Systems group
Director of City Lab - Worcester Polytechnic Institute
TITLE: Knowledge Farming and the Long Tail of Small Cities
TIME: Tuesday, February 20, @ 1:30p
LOCATION: 624 Agua Fria Conference Room
ABSTRACT: The presentation will introduce the concept of "City Knowledge" and
provide insights about how municipalities can get beyond the typical "hunting
and gathering" of data and move towards a more sustainable "farming" of
information in support of day-to-day decision-making for urban maintenance,
management and planning activities. Based on hands-on experiences in cities
like Venice, London and Boston, the presentation will then discuss some
power-laws that suggest how and where urban data farming should be implemented
to maximize the impact of these concepts for the improvement of municipal
services and the benefit of urban dwellers.