Kindles et alia

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Kindles et alia

Ross Goeres

> I gotta a Kindle for Christmas!

    Congratulations!  The lump of coal in my sock gave me a blister ;-)
> So the question is for those of you with one of them: what are your 
> favorite usages of the critter?  Do you use PDFs?  If so, how do you 
> convert them?  Do you use it mainly for manuals etc?  Novels? Poetry? 
> Music/Audibles?

I have DX and a "standard" 6-inch version of the Kindle and a couple versions of the Sony e-readers.  The DX is much better for pdf files with large print.  The Sony tends to do a better job of zooming in on pdf images but smashes equations and matrices into a column on the left side.  The Sonys' and the smaller Kindle's software was recently updated to handle pdf files without going through the hassle/expense of e-mailing them to your Kindle account.  The Sonys' DMR/authentication is a pain but the Kindles now accept pdf files copied into the Documents directory from the machine's hard drive (it's recognized and handled the same way as a USB drive).

I sometimes scan in documents to gif files then create an document by pasting/resizing them, then exporting as a pdf file--which can then be copied to the Kindle "drive".  I have mp3 versions of The Feynman Lectures on Physics (the red books) that make interesting listening when reading the scanned version of the associated lecture (a *lot* of editorializing was edited out during production of the hard copies; from the audio versions one can tell what Feynman felt was important and what was included merely for completeness or the current lines of thought on a given topic).

Just my $0.02,



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Re: Kindles et alia

On 26 Dec 2009 at 12:33, Ross Goeres wrote:

> I have mp3 versions of The Feynman Lectures on Physics (the
> red books) that make interesting listening when reading the scanned version of
> the associated lecture (a *lot* of editorializing was edited out during
> production of the hard copies;

So you're saying that the read books aren't the red books?

Lee Rudolph

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